How do we keep it together for Jesus? You know it aint easy, but his yoke is easy and his burden is light, isn't that what the word says. But we can make it look easy with a little help from our sisters
Welcome Wonderful Single Women!
Pull up a chair and make yourself at home. I've got some good things to share with you. I hope you're ready for the truth because that's all you'll find here. It's time to be real and find out some real answers for real women.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
....but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. (James 1:14-15)
The spirit of compromise is in the air and people are dropping it like it's hot in preparation for New Year's Eve. You know, the day everybody wants somebody. So instead of being in church praying in the New Year like we use to do back in the day, people are getting together (saints) having New Year's parties and coupling up. That's right I said it. That is as we say in Texas a hot mess.
We are going to take it to the scripture in just a moment, but the first thing I want to say to you is this, compromise begins long before you ever physically commit an act against your body or against God's word. Compromise begins in your mind and within the mind the heart grabs hold to it and then gets down in your spirit. We focus and play with the idea of sin long before we actually engage in the physical act of sin. It's funny to me that many people who think they're wonderful because they haven't physically done anything outwardly, but commit sin everyday in their hearts. These are those who are extremely self-righteous against others who openly struggle with what they secretly struggle with. I feel like it just suddenly got quiet. You all know that I will speak it just how God gives it to me and if my approach is not a Harvard review article, then God is dealing in another way. So, today it's just raw and to the point.
So the word tells us in James 1 that it is our own desires that pull on us and draw us in. What I like about this particular passage is that James speaks to us and lets us know that we are not going through the mess that we go through because God is taking us through it, but we are going through because there is something in us that is pulling us and drawing us away from where we should be. So when we go through certain struggles it's not because God is tempting us because he cannot tempt us with evil but it's because we have something on the inside of us that needs to be addressed and worked out of us. Just point to yourself and say, "there's something in me". So watch this, when we are drawn away through our flesh, it wasn't because something else provoked us to sin, or caused us to sin, and drew us away from God but it is because it was in us all the time.
Our own desire produces the manifestation of sin in our lives. Our own desire produces the root of sin in our lives. Our own desire gives birth to the things we say we hate, because secretly in our hearts we know we really want what we say we don't want. This is it right here, because if we didn't really want it, then we wouldn't engage in it. In other words, if you say you hate broccoli, I don't care how it's prepared and how many times somebody puts it in front of you, you will not eat it. But if somewhere down in you, there is a doubt or question on whether broccoli would be something you would be willing to try, then it would only take a different presentation to make you partake. Because somewhere down in you is a desire to try it anyway.
Let me tell you this and be really blunt, there is no way that somebody who doesn't desire sex or intimacy can be drawn into doing it, if it is not a desire to do so in the first place. There's no way. Let's be clear in that. So, it is our own desires that pull on us. The enemy uses our desires against us to put things in front of us he understands will be a struggle for us. It is not the desire that’s the issue. The desire itself is not the action that causes us to sin, but being drawn into the desire is the string that pulls us into the place where we will compromise what we know and believe.
We sell ourselves through our own desires. Our desires to have our flesh pacified and petted. We entertain the desire and it becomes a cancer that eats away at our integrity, beliefs, and standard. When it is fully engaged, it produces sin and causes death to that testimony, to our purpose, to our destiny, to the direction God was moving us in. Our desires can lead us down a road of destruction and cause us to miss God's intended purpose for our lives.
Playing with the enemy is not worth the result of loss that you may take your life into. We sell ourselves so cheap. We give up so much for so little. The things that we even consider compromising for are not worth the risk. But I want a man you say, I'm certain that you do; but at what cost?
The spirit of compromise is in the air and people are dropping it like it's hot in preparation for New Year's Eve. You know, the day everybody wants somebody. So instead of being in church praying in the New Year like we use to do back in the day, people are getting together (saints) having New Year's parties and coupling up. That's right I said it. That is as we say in Texas a hot mess.
We are going to take it to the scripture in just a moment, but the first thing I want to say to you is this, compromise begins long before you ever physically commit an act against your body or against God's word. Compromise begins in your mind and within the mind the heart grabs hold to it and then gets down in your spirit. We focus and play with the idea of sin long before we actually engage in the physical act of sin. It's funny to me that many people who think they're wonderful because they haven't physically done anything outwardly, but commit sin everyday in their hearts. These are those who are extremely self-righteous against others who openly struggle with what they secretly struggle with. I feel like it just suddenly got quiet. You all know that I will speak it just how God gives it to me and if my approach is not a Harvard review article, then God is dealing in another way. So, today it's just raw and to the point.
So the word tells us in James 1 that it is our own desires that pull on us and draw us in. What I like about this particular passage is that James speaks to us and lets us know that we are not going through the mess that we go through because God is taking us through it, but we are going through because there is something in us that is pulling us and drawing us away from where we should be. So when we go through certain struggles it's not because God is tempting us because he cannot tempt us with evil but it's because we have something on the inside of us that needs to be addressed and worked out of us. Just point to yourself and say, "there's something in me". So watch this, when we are drawn away through our flesh, it wasn't because something else provoked us to sin, or caused us to sin, and drew us away from God but it is because it was in us all the time.
Our own desire produces the manifestation of sin in our lives. Our own desire produces the root of sin in our lives. Our own desire gives birth to the things we say we hate, because secretly in our hearts we know we really want what we say we don't want. This is it right here, because if we didn't really want it, then we wouldn't engage in it. In other words, if you say you hate broccoli, I don't care how it's prepared and how many times somebody puts it in front of you, you will not eat it. But if somewhere down in you, there is a doubt or question on whether broccoli would be something you would be willing to try, then it would only take a different presentation to make you partake. Because somewhere down in you is a desire to try it anyway.
Let me tell you this and be really blunt, there is no way that somebody who doesn't desire sex or intimacy can be drawn into doing it, if it is not a desire to do so in the first place. There's no way. Let's be clear in that. So, it is our own desires that pull on us. The enemy uses our desires against us to put things in front of us he understands will be a struggle for us. It is not the desire that’s the issue. The desire itself is not the action that causes us to sin, but being drawn into the desire is the string that pulls us into the place where we will compromise what we know and believe.
We sell ourselves through our own desires. Our desires to have our flesh pacified and petted. We entertain the desire and it becomes a cancer that eats away at our integrity, beliefs, and standard. When it is fully engaged, it produces sin and causes death to that testimony, to our purpose, to our destiny, to the direction God was moving us in. Our desires can lead us down a road of destruction and cause us to miss God's intended purpose for our lives.
Playing with the enemy is not worth the result of loss that you may take your life into. We sell ourselves so cheap. We give up so much for so little. The things that we even consider compromising for are not worth the risk. But I want a man you say, I'm certain that you do; but at what cost?
Thursday, December 1, 2011
The Lord will guide you always, he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land....You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. (Isaiah 58:11 NIV)
When the weather outside is frightful, we look for something delightful to keep us warm that is. It's getting rather cold now during this time of year. It's the season that everybody stays in more often and when we stay in, we want some (body) to stay in with us. It's so much cozier than being by ourselves. As I turned the heat up this morning literally in my apartment, I was reminded of times past when it was already warm without the aid of electricity. I know we all have those times where we would like more than a blanket to keep us warm, but I'm here today to remind you of something that I'm certain you already know.
I will not get all preachy on you today because some people are really having issues in this area and perhaps it might be your first winter alone, such as it is with me. Some of you are going through the holidays alone for the first time and it is a difficult time whether you have experienced a loss through divorce, death, or separation, it is still quite difficult to face or go through this season by yourself. However, you are not alone because your sister is here to help you through this time. First, I don't want you to use your aloneness as an excuse to do things out of character and digress to your old man or even go back into a physical relationship with someone God has been clear about you disconnecting with. "You do know that last statement is meant for women who are married?" Okay, just checking. Because if you are having relations with someone you're not married to, that's another whole blog topic right there, but I will continue with my line of thought on this subject.
This is the season that people stay in and gain weight because of all of the indoor activity. I know you ladies know what I mean, don't make me go there! Don't do it! You are more than that and God has sustained you thus far and is able to keep you even now. Know that! The scripture says that the Lord will guide you first of all. He is not going to put you into a situation that you cannot handle or have a route of escape. He will give you wisdom to make the right decisions; you/we just have to be willing to listen when he is speaking. Next, it says he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land. So in other words, even if he land will not render what you need because everything has dried up, God is still going to give you what is needed to sustain you. Though these times are trying and it is difficult you feel that you cannot maintain or that your needs and loneliness is overbearing, I am letting you know that God is able to fulfill you in every area that is needed. Prayer saved me from losing my mind. Prayer saved me from hurting some folks. Prayer saved me from being who the devil desired me to be. This is a perfect opportunity for you to dig deeper into his word, dig deeper into his presence, and pursue after him as never before.
Finally, it says that you will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. So, the Lord will not only give you wisdom, but he will satisfy you with every area, then he will give you more to ensure that you are sustained above your needs. You cannot do any better than that right there! You are never going to run out of resources that will keep you sustained and filled with what you need as long as the Lord is your source. Can we give God a praise for that right there? Why? Because you will be like a spring whose waters never fail!
There are a great many things that you can do with your time instead of sitting around thinking of ways you can get somebody in the house to spend those cold lonely nights with. Aside from prayer and study at home, I spend time away from home doing things that I enjoy, like working out at the gym (that in itself can keep you occupied for 2-3 hours every day!). In addition to going to the spa, shopping, movies, dining out on occasion, church activities, and other social and community events. Get out of the house. One thing, don't allow the enemy to play pit patty with your mind and heart and having you in constant doubt that you cannot make it. Yes, you can!
When it's cold outside and inside, turn the heat up! The effectual "fervent" prayer of a righteous man availeth much! The fiery, hot prayer of a righteous man produces results. A fervent prayer life with cancel and dismiss every assignment the enemy has launched against you. You will not even second guess yourself any longer. You will be so consumed with God, you will forget that dudes name. Who? See, you already forgot.
Don't get it twisted, I know it is not easy, but it is possible. If it were not possible, God would certainly not have you in this place in your life. Really, why would he ask you to do something that cannot be accomplished? If he, the Lord, was able to walk in a body made of flesh upon this earth and refrain from sinning against his body, then certainly we can do the same. I know that many will say, well, I was married or I'm not a virgin, so I'm accustomed to having relations. Well, I will say this, if the doctor told you your very life depends on you not eating chocolate because you will die if you do, how difficult would it be to stop? It would not be. You would take every and anything that had chocolate in it out of your house. Why do we make it such a great ordeal when our soul is at stake? Is that not more important? After all, this earthly body is just for a season, but the soul, that's eternal.
Symintha Radford
Senior Pastor/Apostle
Breakforth Ministries International
When the weather outside is frightful, we look for something delightful to keep us warm that is. It's getting rather cold now during this time of year. It's the season that everybody stays in more often and when we stay in, we want some (body) to stay in with us. It's so much cozier than being by ourselves. As I turned the heat up this morning literally in my apartment, I was reminded of times past when it was already warm without the aid of electricity. I know we all have those times where we would like more than a blanket to keep us warm, but I'm here today to remind you of something that I'm certain you already know.
I will not get all preachy on you today because some people are really having issues in this area and perhaps it might be your first winter alone, such as it is with me. Some of you are going through the holidays alone for the first time and it is a difficult time whether you have experienced a loss through divorce, death, or separation, it is still quite difficult to face or go through this season by yourself. However, you are not alone because your sister is here to help you through this time. First, I don't want you to use your aloneness as an excuse to do things out of character and digress to your old man or even go back into a physical relationship with someone God has been clear about you disconnecting with. "You do know that last statement is meant for women who are married?" Okay, just checking. Because if you are having relations with someone you're not married to, that's another whole blog topic right there, but I will continue with my line of thought on this subject.
This is the season that people stay in and gain weight because of all of the indoor activity. I know you ladies know what I mean, don't make me go there! Don't do it! You are more than that and God has sustained you thus far and is able to keep you even now. Know that! The scripture says that the Lord will guide you first of all. He is not going to put you into a situation that you cannot handle or have a route of escape. He will give you wisdom to make the right decisions; you/we just have to be willing to listen when he is speaking. Next, it says he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land. So in other words, even if he land will not render what you need because everything has dried up, God is still going to give you what is needed to sustain you. Though these times are trying and it is difficult you feel that you cannot maintain or that your needs and loneliness is overbearing, I am letting you know that God is able to fulfill you in every area that is needed. Prayer saved me from losing my mind. Prayer saved me from hurting some folks. Prayer saved me from being who the devil desired me to be. This is a perfect opportunity for you to dig deeper into his word, dig deeper into his presence, and pursue after him as never before.
Finally, it says that you will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. So, the Lord will not only give you wisdom, but he will satisfy you with every area, then he will give you more to ensure that you are sustained above your needs. You cannot do any better than that right there! You are never going to run out of resources that will keep you sustained and filled with what you need as long as the Lord is your source. Can we give God a praise for that right there? Why? Because you will be like a spring whose waters never fail!
There are a great many things that you can do with your time instead of sitting around thinking of ways you can get somebody in the house to spend those cold lonely nights with. Aside from prayer and study at home, I spend time away from home doing things that I enjoy, like working out at the gym (that in itself can keep you occupied for 2-3 hours every day!). In addition to going to the spa, shopping, movies, dining out on occasion, church activities, and other social and community events. Get out of the house. One thing, don't allow the enemy to play pit patty with your mind and heart and having you in constant doubt that you cannot make it. Yes, you can!
When it's cold outside and inside, turn the heat up! The effectual "fervent" prayer of a righteous man availeth much! The fiery, hot prayer of a righteous man produces results. A fervent prayer life with cancel and dismiss every assignment the enemy has launched against you. You will not even second guess yourself any longer. You will be so consumed with God, you will forget that dudes name. Who? See, you already forgot.
Don't get it twisted, I know it is not easy, but it is possible. If it were not possible, God would certainly not have you in this place in your life. Really, why would he ask you to do something that cannot be accomplished? If he, the Lord, was able to walk in a body made of flesh upon this earth and refrain from sinning against his body, then certainly we can do the same. I know that many will say, well, I was married or I'm not a virgin, so I'm accustomed to having relations. Well, I will say this, if the doctor told you your very life depends on you not eating chocolate because you will die if you do, how difficult would it be to stop? It would not be. You would take every and anything that had chocolate in it out of your house. Why do we make it such a great ordeal when our soul is at stake? Is that not more important? After all, this earthly body is just for a season, but the soul, that's eternal.
Senior Pastor/Apostle
Breakforth Ministries International
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalms 139:14)
I find that there are a great many women once they become single later in life somehow feel threatened by younger women. It's somewhat baffling and entirely ridiculous to me personally. However, I will spend today addressing it. As we grow older and become single it puts us out there and with men having so many other choices, some older women fall prey to feeling the need to change themselves in an effort to compete with younger women. Clearly in my mind, it is not a competition. I am way too wonderful to loser myself to the level of thinking that puts me out of what God thinks of me and who I am. I would have to disregard everything God says about me in order to fall in that line of thinking.
Psalms 139:14 starts off with "I praise you because I'm fearfully and wonderfully made!" Is there anything left to say after that? We need to acknowledge God's creation is wonderful and there is nothing that is not wonderful about it. We need to give him thanks for the wonderful works of his hands! It's beautiful in his sight! Then it goes on to say that your works are wonderful and adds a little attitude at the end, with "I know full well". You better know this today. This aint no amateur show, this is the real deal. You are fly because God made you that way.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made and there is nothing that is inadequate about you. You are seasoned with experience, wisdom, and maturity. As far as I am concerned that is not a liability, but an asset. You do not have child support drama, baby daddy drama because your children are adults. There is no fear that you want to start a family at this stage in your life, you can focus all your attention on your man. Why are you tripping because a younger woman walks into the room? She doesn't have the wisdom, experience, or freedom that you do, to do all that you do. She is still figuring it out, running behind her kids, and coming into her own. She cannot get and will not get what God has clearly ordained for you. She might get the counterfeit. If the counterfeit wants her, he can have her. Your focus should be on the things God has put on your plate to do and the connections God has placed before you that he desires you to connect with. Sometimes we go after things that are not in line with the will of God for our lives. So what happens is we end up losing our focus, getting off track and in situations that we were not originally slated to walk through.
There is no need to be threatened by another woman or person. You do not have to change who you are or anything about you to obtain what God has promised you. Why would what God has ordained reject his clear blessing. If there is a doubt or question in his mind about who you are, what you are to him, and whether God has orchestrated the relationship, pick your feet up and keep it moving. No time for counterfeits. God's blessings are sure and not strained.
Strut yourself this week and let somebody know you are fabulous because God made you that way!
I find that there are a great many women once they become single later in life somehow feel threatened by younger women. It's somewhat baffling and entirely ridiculous to me personally. However, I will spend today addressing it. As we grow older and become single it puts us out there and with men having so many other choices, some older women fall prey to feeling the need to change themselves in an effort to compete with younger women. Clearly in my mind, it is not a competition. I am way too wonderful to loser myself to the level of thinking that puts me out of what God thinks of me and who I am. I would have to disregard everything God says about me in order to fall in that line of thinking.
Psalms 139:14 starts off with "I praise you because I'm fearfully and wonderfully made!" Is there anything left to say after that? We need to acknowledge God's creation is wonderful and there is nothing that is not wonderful about it. We need to give him thanks for the wonderful works of his hands! It's beautiful in his sight! Then it goes on to say that your works are wonderful and adds a little attitude at the end, with "I know full well". You better know this today. This aint no amateur show, this is the real deal. You are fly because God made you that way.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made and there is nothing that is inadequate about you. You are seasoned with experience, wisdom, and maturity. As far as I am concerned that is not a liability, but an asset. You do not have child support drama, baby daddy drama because your children are adults. There is no fear that you want to start a family at this stage in your life, you can focus all your attention on your man. Why are you tripping because a younger woman walks into the room? She doesn't have the wisdom, experience, or freedom that you do, to do all that you do. She is still figuring it out, running behind her kids, and coming into her own. She cannot get and will not get what God has clearly ordained for you. She might get the counterfeit. If the counterfeit wants her, he can have her. Your focus should be on the things God has put on your plate to do and the connections God has placed before you that he desires you to connect with. Sometimes we go after things that are not in line with the will of God for our lives. So what happens is we end up losing our focus, getting off track and in situations that we were not originally slated to walk through.
There is no need to be threatened by another woman or person. You do not have to change who you are or anything about you to obtain what God has promised you. Why would what God has ordained reject his clear blessing. If there is a doubt or question in his mind about who you are, what you are to him, and whether God has orchestrated the relationship, pick your feet up and keep it moving. No time for counterfeits. God's blessings are sure and not strained.
Strut yourself this week and let somebody know you are fabulous because God made you that way!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
For evildoers will be cut off, But those who wait for the Lord, they will inherit the land. (Psalms 37:9)
There were many scriptures I could have used that contained the word "wait" in them, but I purposely choose this particular scripture as it relates to some issues some of us have encountered this year. I believe this word is not just for you single ladies, but also for those who have experienced some abrasion this year. Let's look at the first part of the scripture so that we can draw something from that. It addresses our adversaries and those who oppose us. I'm not speaking of those who oppose us in the flesh or the natural. But I speak rather to those who oppose us in who we are and all that God has destined us in this life. If I can fallback on my own personal situation for a moment, I was directly opposed by many and God supernaturally cut me off from everything that was familiar to me so that he could teach and speak some things into me.
Evildoers are not some wicked witch, but the word evil means: causing ruin, injury, or pain; harmful. Those who set out to injure you and hurt you, those who have speak against you with deliberate malice to cause harm to you, your character, etc. This can be anyone, even people in the church, those who are close to us. Evildoers work to obtain things that they feel will make them feel important. They work to gain the approval of man so that they can appear important and elevated. Evildoers like to be recognized and applauded for whatever they do. They want the credit, they are glory seekers. They are puffed up, arrogant, they think highly of themselves. They will literally step on others to get acclaim for themselves.
But what I like about this scripture is, the Lord lets us know that those who walk in this spirit have an expiration date. Those of you who have been battered, belittled, and put down, cursed at, laughed at, cheated on. There is an expiration date for those who have not repented and turned from this behavior. Some of you all couldn't even stay in your own houses, but had to leave, but there's an expiration date. You are taking the bus and had to leave your cars behind, but there is an expiration date women of God. Hear me in the spirit this afternoon. You don't have to worry about those who injured and hurt you. Don't worry about how you got kicked when you were down, your bank account got emptied out, and the repo man got your ride. If you wait, says the Lord, you will inherit the earth.
"The meek shall inherit the earth" (Matt 5:5). That means those who are patient and wait on God to do what he wants to do is who is going to get the blessing. Eccl 9:11 says, "The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all." So it is not how quickly, how smart, how you feel, how strong you think you are, but Eccl, "but time" in other words wait a minute. What I like in this too is that wealth doesn't come to the brilliant nor favor to the learned. In other words, the inheritance is not coming because of something you've got to do, but it's coming because of who you know. You've got stock in the right corporation and it only cost you your heart.
You don't have to do anything to show your haters how God is going to bless you or how God has blessed you, the blessing will be apparent. It will speak for itself. I'm speaking to some of you that have been crushed this morning. Don't rejoice in the fact the evildoers will be cut off, but rejoice in the blessing that's coming your way.
Symintha Radford, Pastor/Apostle of Breakforth Ministries International
There were many scriptures I could have used that contained the word "wait" in them, but I purposely choose this particular scripture as it relates to some issues some of us have encountered this year. I believe this word is not just for you single ladies, but also for those who have experienced some abrasion this year. Let's look at the first part of the scripture so that we can draw something from that. It addresses our adversaries and those who oppose us. I'm not speaking of those who oppose us in the flesh or the natural. But I speak rather to those who oppose us in who we are and all that God has destined us in this life. If I can fallback on my own personal situation for a moment, I was directly opposed by many and God supernaturally cut me off from everything that was familiar to me so that he could teach and speak some things into me.
Evildoers are not some wicked witch, but the word evil means: causing ruin, injury, or pain; harmful. Those who set out to injure you and hurt you, those who have speak against you with deliberate malice to cause harm to you, your character, etc. This can be anyone, even people in the church, those who are close to us. Evildoers work to obtain things that they feel will make them feel important. They work to gain the approval of man so that they can appear important and elevated. Evildoers like to be recognized and applauded for whatever they do. They want the credit, they are glory seekers. They are puffed up, arrogant, they think highly of themselves. They will literally step on others to get acclaim for themselves.
But what I like about this scripture is, the Lord lets us know that those who walk in this spirit have an expiration date. Those of you who have been battered, belittled, and put down, cursed at, laughed at, cheated on. There is an expiration date for those who have not repented and turned from this behavior. Some of you all couldn't even stay in your own houses, but had to leave, but there's an expiration date. You are taking the bus and had to leave your cars behind, but there is an expiration date women of God. Hear me in the spirit this afternoon. You don't have to worry about those who injured and hurt you. Don't worry about how you got kicked when you were down, your bank account got emptied out, and the repo man got your ride. If you wait, says the Lord, you will inherit the earth.
"The meek shall inherit the earth" (Matt 5:5). That means those who are patient and wait on God to do what he wants to do is who is going to get the blessing. Eccl 9:11 says, "The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all." So it is not how quickly, how smart, how you feel, how strong you think you are, but Eccl, "but time" in other words wait a minute. What I like in this too is that wealth doesn't come to the brilliant nor favor to the learned. In other words, the inheritance is not coming because of something you've got to do, but it's coming because of who you know. You've got stock in the right corporation and it only cost you your heart.
You don't have to do anything to show your haters how God is going to bless you or how God has blessed you, the blessing will be apparent. It will speak for itself. I'm speaking to some of you that have been crushed this morning. Don't rejoice in the fact the evildoers will be cut off, but rejoice in the blessing that's coming your way.
Symintha Radford, Pastor/Apostle of Breakforth Ministries International
Friday, November 11, 2011
You might have decided that you are ready for a serious relationship and/or are ready for marriage. Back some months I shared with all that I didn't know when I would be emotionally ready because there is no time line in how you will heal and how you feel emotionally. Sometimes it takes months and some people it may take years before they are ready to move on. Then there are those who never get over what they've gone through so they torture everybody who wants to pursue them. I decided I definitely did not want to be one of those people who held on to things in my heart and became bitter. There is nothing more difficult for a man than having to peel through layers of the past trying to get to the real woman and many of them do not have the patience, time, or tolerance for a woman who is still dealing with unresolved issues from her past. Can we say that we cannot blame him for feeling this way and eventually moving on because he does not want to deal with that drama. That's why I always say, while you have an opportunity work through those feelings, close doors, let go of some things so you will not take baggage into the next relationship.
I had an opportunity to go to a Christian counselor, which I do advise for people who feel they might need to talk to someone to help them sort through their feelings. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Whether it's your pastor, senior person in ministry, or a professional, it's good to work through what you are feeling so that you can come to a point of closure on the past and put things in perspective. This will also help you gauge exactly where you are in terms of whether you are emotionally ready to move on or you need more time.
When we do not let go of our past, we leave the door open for the enemy to wreak havoc on our vulnerabilities. When we are at an emotional place in our lives, we are like an open womb. This place of vulnerability is a door that can be penetrated very easily if we do not intend to the areas that need to be addressed. This can lead down a path of doing, saying, and behaving in ways that compromise our character. This is why I impressed upon you to ensure that attend to those areas of vulnerability and do not assume that they are gone simply because what you perceived as the problem is no longer in your life. You still have residue from that thing that you considered the problem that should and needs to be attended to. It is essential to your spiritual, mental, and emotional well-being.
Unless you have taken the time to address those areas, you cannot truly say that you are even ready for something new. God will not send him until you are ready. Work on your spirit man, your emotional man, your physical man so that you are complete. I know that I've mentioned in times past one of the worst things a woman can be is insecure. Insecurity breeds familiar spirits. The commonality that you will find with someone when you are insecure will not be from a good place. The draw will be from the spirit that is drawing you both together and not because it is a connection that God has placed together. So be careful that you address areas that need attention so that you will feel your very best and really be ready. Then the Lord can release whomever he has slated just for you!
I had an opportunity to go to a Christian counselor, which I do advise for people who feel they might need to talk to someone to help them sort through their feelings. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Whether it's your pastor, senior person in ministry, or a professional, it's good to work through what you are feeling so that you can come to a point of closure on the past and put things in perspective. This will also help you gauge exactly where you are in terms of whether you are emotionally ready to move on or you need more time.
When we do not let go of our past, we leave the door open for the enemy to wreak havoc on our vulnerabilities. When we are at an emotional place in our lives, we are like an open womb. This place of vulnerability is a door that can be penetrated very easily if we do not intend to the areas that need to be addressed. This can lead down a path of doing, saying, and behaving in ways that compromise our character. This is why I impressed upon you to ensure that attend to those areas of vulnerability and do not assume that they are gone simply because what you perceived as the problem is no longer in your life. You still have residue from that thing that you considered the problem that should and needs to be attended to. It is essential to your spiritual, mental, and emotional well-being.
Unless you have taken the time to address those areas, you cannot truly say that you are even ready for something new. God will not send him until you are ready. Work on your spirit man, your emotional man, your physical man so that you are complete. I know that I've mentioned in times past one of the worst things a woman can be is insecure. Insecurity breeds familiar spirits. The commonality that you will find with someone when you are insecure will not be from a good place. The draw will be from the spirit that is drawing you both together and not because it is a connection that God has placed together. So be careful that you address areas that need attention so that you will feel your very best and really be ready. Then the Lord can release whomever he has slated just for you!
Pastor/Apostle of Breakforth Ministries International
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Have you ever asked yourself the question: "What am I doing?" You thought you were doing what you needed to do and were supposed to be doing, but somehow the more you did, the less you accomplished. Some reluctance in your spirit about various areas in your life has really been the thing that has stalled some of the very things that you have been working on. The reluctance has been that you believed that your life would play out differently than what it actually has, so you've had to regroup, reassess and come from a different angle than what you originally planned. You find yourself being angry at God for all the things that you thought he was going to do, work out within a specific time frame, the people you thought he would deliver, the places you thought he was going to take you. So now, you are uncomfortable in the place you've landed and trying to figure what do I do now with myself?
Some of you are mothers, have been wives, in the ministry or serving in a ministry and things have not quite panned out like you thought. Now you are single and feel as if you are undirected in your purpose because you thought your purpose was tied to who you were connected with. I certainly can and do identify with all of that. Believing that your purpose is tied to the person you were connected with is common with married, now single women and it sometimes stalls our lives for many years and some of us never quite can get it together because we believe that it is over with the marriage.
I have been talking about purpose and destiny in my last couple of post because I'm in a season of transition. When transition occurs in our lives and we are in a holding pattern waiting on God to give instructions because so many things in our lives have shifted, it can be and is a difficult place. Nobody likes to wait and we all want answers right now. Unfortunately, they do not always come when we would like to hear them. When you call he will answer, but it may not be when you are expecting or wanting to hear an answer. The word of the Lord tells us that Daniel prayed for an answer and was persistent before God for 21 days before receiving a word from the Lord. Although, God heard him the first time that he called, the answer did not come right away. Sometimes when we are waiting on an answer and it does not come when we want, we either give up or we decide we know what's best. That's a mistake. Persistence and faith go hand in hand. If you are to obtain anything from the Lord you must believe that he is God and that he is a rewarder of them who diligently seek him. In other words, God will answer and give you what you need and want when he says its time.
You remember the old song, "You can't hurry God, you just have to wait, trust him and give him time, no matter how long it takes". We found that Daniel's situation was not that God was hard of hearing or refused to give him an answer, not even that God withheld the answer from him, but that there was a war in the heavenlies with Arc Angel Michael and one of the princes of this world which delayed the word that God wanted to deliver to Daniel. We can trust that God will always give us a response whether it's yes or no concerning a matter.
If you are in a holding pattern right now and trying to figure out what you are doing, then just wait upon the Lord. Don't jump into anything until he does give you an answer. Be guided by your spirit. You cannot make decisions with your heart, your emotions, or your flesh. All of that will lead you down a path that you don't want to be on. There is a small voice inside of you, the Holyghost, who will lead you into all truth and tell you all things that is in the mind and heart of the Father. If we would learn to trust that and not our own intellect, then we will certainly be walking in the path that God has carved out for us.
Monday, November 7, 2011
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5
How I wish I could preach this today to some of you. This is revelation that we need to walk in daily. There is nothing worse than a woman who does not understand who she is. It is so critical. A woman who does not know who she is needs validation. When she does not get that validation, she seeks it from where she believes she can receive it. Although outwardly she may not communicate that need, but her actions, her body language and behavior speak to that need for validation. This is why often women end up in relationships that do not pour into them. But they find that they are the ones pouring into a vessel that does not have the capacity or grace to handle what God has put in her.
I just taught a lesson on Saturday and spoke to the women of God concerning intercession. But one of the things that the Lord had me share was that daughters need validation from a Father. Often when you grow up without one, such as me, you are uncertain and needful in many areas for the lack of having a man pour into you. You seek out what you've missed. I had an awesome man of God, a chief apostle, walk right up to me during a meeting and say to me, "Daughter I validate you". He didn't know anything about me, my history, or what was going on in my life. But it changed me. I didn't know I needed that, but I did. He spoke some things into my life and encouraged me that helped begin to birth my destiny.
It is certain that many of us are not walking into what God has ordained for our lives because we are waiting on somebody to push us into our purpose. Although the man of God spoke that into me, that same validation can come from the Father for you in your time of prayer. He will speak to you concerning who you are. You do not need to seek it from other sources. God can give that to you.
How I wish I could preach this today to some of you. This is revelation that we need to walk in daily. There is nothing worse than a woman who does not understand who she is. It is so critical. A woman who does not know who she is needs validation. When she does not get that validation, she seeks it from where she believes she can receive it. Although outwardly she may not communicate that need, but her actions, her body language and behavior speak to that need for validation. This is why often women end up in relationships that do not pour into them. But they find that they are the ones pouring into a vessel that does not have the capacity or grace to handle what God has put in her.
I just taught a lesson on Saturday and spoke to the women of God concerning intercession. But one of the things that the Lord had me share was that daughters need validation from a Father. Often when you grow up without one, such as me, you are uncertain and needful in many areas for the lack of having a man pour into you. You seek out what you've missed. I had an awesome man of God, a chief apostle, walk right up to me during a meeting and say to me, "Daughter I validate you". He didn't know anything about me, my history, or what was going on in my life. But it changed me. I didn't know I needed that, but I did. He spoke some things into my life and encouraged me that helped begin to birth my destiny.
It is certain that many of us are not walking into what God has ordained for our lives because we are waiting on somebody to push us into our purpose. Although the man of God spoke that into me, that same validation can come from the Father for you in your time of prayer. He will speak to you concerning who you are. You do not need to seek it from other sources. God can give that to you.
Before the earth was formed, before the sperm was committed to the egg, the Lord had already designated your assignment. It is not contingent upon who you're married to or not married to. Did you hear me? Some of you don't believe that you can do what God has told you unless you have a husband, but I'm telling you today, that God has already predestined you and knew who you were and what he appointed you to be before you were born. You can rest assured that if he has placed his hand on you to do something it doesn't matter if you have to walk it out by yourself right now, you still have the grace, authority, and provision to do it!
You may lack the confidence to proceed, but I want to encourage you today to not worry about what you're lacking, because God will make up the difference. If you've got 80 cents, he will give you 20 so that you can make a dollar. Don't worry about what you don't have and who you don't have, because you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you and if God be for you, it doesn't matter if the whole world is against you. I use to worry about that non stop. But we have to learn to put to rest what the enemy wants us to focus on. That's all that is, is a train ride down unbelief. Know who you are in him. Somebody doesn't make you. For God has already put his stamp of approval on you. Some daughters such as me require something extra. If you are extra like me, the Lord will indeed do all that he needs to, to propel you into the place he has assigned to you. Whether you are one or two, God is going to do what he said and you WILL do what he told you.
The Lord can and will affirm you. If the man of God has not presented himself yet, occupy till he comes. You do what the Lord told you!
Senior Pastor/Apostle of Breakforth Ministries International
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Friday, November 4, 2011
I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. Psalms 40:1
We do not need to rush to get to what or where God wants us to be. When we try to rush we undoubtedly make mistakes which can cost us both time, compromise our anointing, ministry, progress in God. Allow me to share some nuggests with you that could possibly save you from making some of the same mistakes that I have made in my past. I allowed lonliness to lead me into a marriage that was ordained by God. God allowed it for a season, and when I came to myself I was so wrapped up in the thing that it took a move of God to get my mind back where it needed to be and come back around to who I really was. I had to change who I was to stay in the relationship and that required me to step back from who God called me to be.
My impatience created my situation. The glory of God cannot be manifested in our lives when will not allow him to be Lord over our lives. I did not allow the Lord to be Lord over my life and so I ended up being somewhere God didn't want me, God didn't put me, and God wasn't in.
The scripture says patiently I waited on the Lord and he inclined unto me or in other words, he turned to me and heard what I was saying to him. He heard my heart when I waited on him and then he acted upon my cry to him. If we look at verse 2, David talks about what the Lord did as a result of him waiting patiently on God to act on his behalf. Women of God there is a blessing in waiting to hear what God wants to do and what God wants to say. So, verse 2 says "He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps." So, in other words, he brought me up out of the mess I was in, the state I was in. He changed my circumstances when I learned to wait on him and not rush to do something because I want results right now. Alot of times what we do is say that I'm going to fix it myself and find him myself instead of waiting on God. And yes, I have been guilty women of God.
But David say that after God brings you out of the condition, then he's going to establish you and make you stable by making everything fall in line with what he had planned out for you. So, though it seems like things are not coming into place and that you've waited a long time, if you just give God a little more time, he's going to make good on his promises to you. Give God a little more time!
Tell somebody today, "Give God a little more time!" Trust me when the wash comes out, everything is going to be just as he promised. God knows how to fix it up just right to make you satisfied. Wait upon the Lord, he will strengthen you for this season of walking by yourself. Trust in the Lord that he knows who you are, where you are, and what you need. He is establishing you and making you ready for what is to come. At the appointed time his will, will be manifest in your life.
Be Blessed Great Women of God!
We do not need to rush to get to what or where God wants us to be. When we try to rush we undoubtedly make mistakes which can cost us both time, compromise our anointing, ministry, progress in God. Allow me to share some nuggests with you that could possibly save you from making some of the same mistakes that I have made in my past. I allowed lonliness to lead me into a marriage that was ordained by God. God allowed it for a season, and when I came to myself I was so wrapped up in the thing that it took a move of God to get my mind back where it needed to be and come back around to who I really was. I had to change who I was to stay in the relationship and that required me to step back from who God called me to be.
My impatience created my situation. The glory of God cannot be manifested in our lives when will not allow him to be Lord over our lives. I did not allow the Lord to be Lord over my life and so I ended up being somewhere God didn't want me, God didn't put me, and God wasn't in.
The scripture says patiently I waited on the Lord and he inclined unto me or in other words, he turned to me and heard what I was saying to him. He heard my heart when I waited on him and then he acted upon my cry to him. If we look at verse 2, David talks about what the Lord did as a result of him waiting patiently on God to act on his behalf. Women of God there is a blessing in waiting to hear what God wants to do and what God wants to say. So, verse 2 says "He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps." So, in other words, he brought me up out of the mess I was in, the state I was in. He changed my circumstances when I learned to wait on him and not rush to do something because I want results right now. Alot of times what we do is say that I'm going to fix it myself and find him myself instead of waiting on God. And yes, I have been guilty women of God.
But David say that after God brings you out of the condition, then he's going to establish you and make you stable by making everything fall in line with what he had planned out for you. So, though it seems like things are not coming into place and that you've waited a long time, if you just give God a little more time, he's going to make good on his promises to you. Give God a little more time!
Tell somebody today, "Give God a little more time!" Trust me when the wash comes out, everything is going to be just as he promised. God knows how to fix it up just right to make you satisfied. Wait upon the Lord, he will strengthen you for this season of walking by yourself. Trust in the Lord that he knows who you are, where you are, and what you need. He is establishing you and making you ready for what is to come. At the appointed time his will, will be manifest in your life.
Be Blessed Great Women of God!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
I used to be one of those women who was very vocal about women who said they would never date or marry someone with children. I told one sister she was selfish and that she expected someone to accept and raise her child but she was unwilling to do the same.
Well, my friends having lived through a marriage with a great many conflicts surrounding both children and many other areas, I had to reevaluate my position on that. Honestly, there is more to it than whether you have enough love in your heart to share. That was my only consideration initially. I knew I loved children, I knew I had the capacity to mother them and treat them well. I did not consider all of the other things that come along with it at the time. There is so much more than you just loving them.
You know you can love them. What you don't know if they will love you. You don't know if you have the patience and long suffering to accept that they may never love you but you still have to love them and treat them well while they're living in your house. That's a hard pill to swallow. Then you have to factor in the other out-side parent who may or may not give you grief, interfer, and dilberately set out to cause conflict and drama in your household. Of course, you may or may not have finances leaving your house as well for child support. Those are all things that could happen, more often than not, do happen within a mixed family environment.
I can certainly speak from experience and say, that it is much easier to believe happily ever after, than it is to live it. You have to know the kind of man that you're dealing with. That will make a major difference in your decision to pursue a relationship with a man who has children or not. If its the kind of man who likes to throw responsibility off on others and checks out, that is definitely not someone who you could make a successful union with. You will find yourself without support and quickly becoming the resented step-parent. Or as some refer, "the wicked step-mother".
Really, this is an individual thing for you to decide if it's something that you can or cannot do. People are having children later in life now and you might find that people in their 40s and even 50s have small children. It further limits the possibility of connections of those who might not be open to dating or marrying someone with small children. Whatever your decision in what is best for you make sure you know what you're going to be dealing with. You do not want surprises down the road. Ensure you know the kind of man you are dealing with, his character, whether he's praying man with Godly values. Having the same beliefs in how you raise children will and can make or break a relationship.
Don't think that you will be happy with Daddy and reject the children. That is not going happen. It's a package deal. You cannot say you love someone but do not love what has been birthed out of them. The children are a part of the person you say you love, then you will love them even if you don't like their ways. If you don't think that's possible, then perhaps you should rethink your position on whether you can and switch teams to the "I can't".
Well, my friends having lived through a marriage with a great many conflicts surrounding both children and many other areas, I had to reevaluate my position on that. Honestly, there is more to it than whether you have enough love in your heart to share. That was my only consideration initially. I knew I loved children, I knew I had the capacity to mother them and treat them well. I did not consider all of the other things that come along with it at the time. There is so much more than you just loving them.
You know you can love them. What you don't know if they will love you. You don't know if you have the patience and long suffering to accept that they may never love you but you still have to love them and treat them well while they're living in your house. That's a hard pill to swallow. Then you have to factor in the other out-side parent who may or may not give you grief, interfer, and dilberately set out to cause conflict and drama in your household. Of course, you may or may not have finances leaving your house as well for child support. Those are all things that could happen, more often than not, do happen within a mixed family environment.
I can certainly speak from experience and say, that it is much easier to believe happily ever after, than it is to live it. You have to know the kind of man that you're dealing with. That will make a major difference in your decision to pursue a relationship with a man who has children or not. If its the kind of man who likes to throw responsibility off on others and checks out, that is definitely not someone who you could make a successful union with. You will find yourself without support and quickly becoming the resented step-parent. Or as some refer, "the wicked step-mother".
Really, this is an individual thing for you to decide if it's something that you can or cannot do. People are having children later in life now and you might find that people in their 40s and even 50s have small children. It further limits the possibility of connections of those who might not be open to dating or marrying someone with small children. Whatever your decision in what is best for you make sure you know what you're going to be dealing with. You do not want surprises down the road. Ensure you know the kind of man you are dealing with, his character, whether he's praying man with Godly values. Having the same beliefs in how you raise children will and can make or break a relationship.
Don't think that you will be happy with Daddy and reject the children. That is not going happen. It's a package deal. You cannot say you love someone but do not love what has been birthed out of them. The children are a part of the person you say you love, then you will love them even if you don't like their ways. If you don't think that's possible, then perhaps you should rethink your position on whether you can and switch teams to the "I can't".
Monday, October 31, 2011
Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalms 37:4)
I was watching a television program and they were talking about the reasons some people have had difficulty connecting with someone of significance. I thought it was so interesting because some of the reasons are things that I have heard many people fall right in line with.
There are a lot of people that have long list of criteria that a man must meet before we are willing to even have a conversation with him. Some of which are absolutely ridiculous. I too, have been guilty of making such grandeur criteria that realistically cannot be obtained or measured up to. Unfortunately, women live for years expecting God to give them something that their flesh desires and not really what their heart is longing for.
I find that there is a vast difference between what our flesh wants and what our heart desires. The word desire means to wish or long for; crave; want. In other words there are things in our heart that our flesh could never satisfy. Even if we got the fulfillment of that list we've created in our minds, most of it is not our heart, but more our fleshly desires. I have had what my flesh wanted and it was not the will of God for my life. I wasted time and my anointing trying to pour into someone who could never be who God purposed for me. Our heart longs for what God wants for us, his passion, his fulfillment, his purpose. Our flesh desires our passions, our purpose and our fulfillment. When we delight ourselves in him and he begins to produce the manifestation of our hearts desire, we often reject what God sends to us because our flesh desires do not want what our heart wants.
Example, have you ever had a friend who wanted a thug over a good decent man? You wondered why in the world she would choose him and reject a good guy. She didn't want what was good; she wanted what was appealing to her flesh. We need to learn how to put away our list and examine ourselves to make sure that we understand ourselves and our real needs, what's really in our hearts. What do we really want? What is really going to make us happy? Our hearts crave to be loved, appreciated, desired, and treated with respect and compassion. Our hearts desire a man after God's own heart. Our hearts desire someone who is aligned with the will of God and purpose of God. We do not have the wisdom, unfortunately, many times to know that what we want is who God has sent because it failed somewhere in our list of long criteria or our "deal breakers" we send it back.
As I watched the television and listened to the ladies talk about how their men had to make over $100,000 be between 5'10" - 6'2" and weigh between 180-220 lbs, etc. I said to myself we really do this. We make it almost impossible for the Lord to bless us because we are foolish in our expectations. It's as if we somehow come to a place where we think God is sugar Daddy and he's supposed to do tricks for us. We've got too many dealbreakers and we have got to become open to what's really in our hearts and not in our flesh. I'm not saying that reasonable expectations should be taken off the table, but unrealistic expectations should definitely be removed from this list of dealbreakers.
People have been coming your way, but you have rejected all potential suitors because they do not measure up to your expectations. Perhaps your expectations are the problem and not the suitor. Okay, you all are probably really mad at me now. But I just have to tell you the truth as the Lord gives it to me.
Delight yourself in him and when he sends you the desires of your heart, do not reject what he sends. At the very least, ask the Lord is this my Boaz? Don’t let your dealbreakers keep you from walking into your blessing!
I was watching a television program and they were talking about the reasons some people have had difficulty connecting with someone of significance. I thought it was so interesting because some of the reasons are things that I have heard many people fall right in line with.
There are a lot of people that have long list of criteria that a man must meet before we are willing to even have a conversation with him. Some of which are absolutely ridiculous. I too, have been guilty of making such grandeur criteria that realistically cannot be obtained or measured up to. Unfortunately, women live for years expecting God to give them something that their flesh desires and not really what their heart is longing for.
I find that there is a vast difference between what our flesh wants and what our heart desires. The word desire means to wish or long for; crave; want. In other words there are things in our heart that our flesh could never satisfy. Even if we got the fulfillment of that list we've created in our minds, most of it is not our heart, but more our fleshly desires. I have had what my flesh wanted and it was not the will of God for my life. I wasted time and my anointing trying to pour into someone who could never be who God purposed for me. Our heart longs for what God wants for us, his passion, his fulfillment, his purpose. Our flesh desires our passions, our purpose and our fulfillment. When we delight ourselves in him and he begins to produce the manifestation of our hearts desire, we often reject what God sends to us because our flesh desires do not want what our heart wants.
Example, have you ever had a friend who wanted a thug over a good decent man? You wondered why in the world she would choose him and reject a good guy. She didn't want what was good; she wanted what was appealing to her flesh. We need to learn how to put away our list and examine ourselves to make sure that we understand ourselves and our real needs, what's really in our hearts. What do we really want? What is really going to make us happy? Our hearts crave to be loved, appreciated, desired, and treated with respect and compassion. Our hearts desire a man after God's own heart. Our hearts desire someone who is aligned with the will of God and purpose of God. We do not have the wisdom, unfortunately, many times to know that what we want is who God has sent because it failed somewhere in our list of long criteria or our "deal breakers" we send it back.
As I watched the television and listened to the ladies talk about how their men had to make over $100,000 be between 5'10" - 6'2" and weigh between 180-220 lbs, etc. I said to myself we really do this. We make it almost impossible for the Lord to bless us because we are foolish in our expectations. It's as if we somehow come to a place where we think God is sugar Daddy and he's supposed to do tricks for us. We've got too many dealbreakers and we have got to become open to what's really in our hearts and not in our flesh. I'm not saying that reasonable expectations should be taken off the table, but unrealistic expectations should definitely be removed from this list of dealbreakers.
People have been coming your way, but you have rejected all potential suitors because they do not measure up to your expectations. Perhaps your expectations are the problem and not the suitor. Okay, you all are probably really mad at me now. But I just have to tell you the truth as the Lord gives it to me.
Delight yourself in him and when he sends you the desires of your heart, do not reject what he sends. At the very least, ask the Lord is this my Boaz? Don’t let your dealbreakers keep you from walking into your blessing!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
At some point, you will need to affirm why a particular relationship has formed. For some of us who are in ministry, even can be confused at whether we have been sought after because it is a divine connection or something different. My spiritual father some years back said something to me that I will never forget and at the time he was teaching me as a younger minister. He was unmarried at the time and often was faced with many women within the church pursuing him. But he realized something as God had pointed out to him. "The anointing is meant to draw". He would say so often, it's not me, it's the anointing. He would say, I'm not a handsome man, don't have any money, so I can only draw one conclusion, that it is the God in me that they seek after. The scripture confirms that very point as well.
Jesus said if I be lifted up in the earth, I will draw all men unto me (Jn 12:32). Being one who pursues God relentlessly in worship will have a two-fold affect. It will not only draw God closer to you, but it will draw men closer to you. They will pursue after the thing that they see in you that calls you to their attention. The God in you is so prevalent that they come after it. God has designed it so that men are indeed drawn to him. They can only be drawn to him through us. We are the vehicle that he uses to do the drawing. I think, perhaps, sometimes we do forget that we are that vehicle. Often at times, we will neglect to examine what's really going on within a specific relationship or connection. Even sometimes our own selfishness or desires can create circumstances and complicate things so that the witness that we could have had and shared is ruined because of our own desires to satisfy ourselves.
Truthfully, I cannot say that I haven't been there and that I've learned all that I need to on the subject. We are certainly a work in progress, but God is faithful. So I exhort you to step back and not go blindly into anything and consult the Lord before forming relationships with people. Don't assume anything, because our flesh teaches us to be governed by it, but our spirit is who should be at command.
Jesus said if I be lifted up in the earth, I will draw all men unto me (Jn 12:32). Being one who pursues God relentlessly in worship will have a two-fold affect. It will not only draw God closer to you, but it will draw men closer to you. They will pursue after the thing that they see in you that calls you to their attention. The God in you is so prevalent that they come after it. God has designed it so that men are indeed drawn to him. They can only be drawn to him through us. We are the vehicle that he uses to do the drawing. I think, perhaps, sometimes we do forget that we are that vehicle. Often at times, we will neglect to examine what's really going on within a specific relationship or connection. Even sometimes our own selfishness or desires can create circumstances and complicate things so that the witness that we could have had and shared is ruined because of our own desires to satisfy ourselves.
Truthfully, I cannot say that I haven't been there and that I've learned all that I need to on the subject. We are certainly a work in progress, but God is faithful. So I exhort you to step back and not go blindly into anything and consult the Lord before forming relationships with people. Don't assume anything, because our flesh teaches us to be governed by it, but our spirit is who should be at command.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
I know that it's been a while since I've posted, my computer just failed me! There has been much going on in my life, but my status remains the same....I am still one of the single ladies!! Amen and I'm not mad at God about either. He's been taking care of me ladies.
I want to see how everyone has been doing on their journey to look better and feel better about themselves. After all, a confident woman draws people to her and not away. Confidence comes from within; it is not something that we can put on like a dress. It doesn't matter how much make up, new clothes, and attitude you have, it will still be evident to everyone that you are not walking with that certain swagger.
I personally have shed 36 pounds since our last conversation and I am feeling and looking like the daughter God purposed me to be. That journey continues for me. How about you? Did you make some lifestyle changes? We'll get back to that.
Let me share with you today something I've been learning on this single's journey: You can always see where someone's heart is in the evidence that they show you. You just have to be willing to accept that what you are seeing is exactly what is being said. Let me clarify. We like to think that everything is cut and dry by what someone tells us, but their actions and behavior do not line up with what they are saying. If someone is constantly telling they care about you, like you, and want to be with you, but never makes an effort to include you in their time schedule, then you can believe what you hear. Do you hear me? There's no other way to gauge that. People make time for the things that are important to them. Selfish people only make time for themselves and always have excuses why they cannot make time for you. Their priority is what they want, what they need, and what they want to do. There's no other way to get around the reality of that.
I can try to sugar coat it and give you a ton of scriptures on love being patient, being longsuffering, etc. Honestly, this particularly wisdom is unrelated to patience, its a matter of weighing what you are discerning and actually seeing with your own eyes. Love does not treat you with distain and clearly being neglected is something that we do not deserve. We are so much more than that. You do not need to hold onto things and people that don't appreciate the gift that you are. The awesome jewel that you are deserves someone to walk with you who will celebrate your magnificence.
You are a daughter of royal descent. You should be arrayed in fine apparel and garments. You should have rings put upon your fingers. You should be adored and loved because you are quality and a rare commodity. You are a virtuous find. Anyone who doesn't know that, will not appreciate that, and will not celebrate that is not worth the time it takes you to put on your stilettos.
Now walk like the daughter of a king and watch how God will begin to send the right kind of man your way. Now back to the other subject just briefly, because I want to hear from some of you regarding an blog I did a couple of months ago. I gave you some information on how to look and feel better, get into better shape, etc. I want to hear from some of you if you have taken the plunge into doing anything with that information. How are you feeling? Did you make some changes that were helpful in feeling better about yourself? Email me: or post a note. I want to hear from you.
I want to see how everyone has been doing on their journey to look better and feel better about themselves. After all, a confident woman draws people to her and not away. Confidence comes from within; it is not something that we can put on like a dress. It doesn't matter how much make up, new clothes, and attitude you have, it will still be evident to everyone that you are not walking with that certain swagger.
I personally have shed 36 pounds since our last conversation and I am feeling and looking like the daughter God purposed me to be. That journey continues for me. How about you? Did you make some lifestyle changes? We'll get back to that.
Let me share with you today something I've been learning on this single's journey: You can always see where someone's heart is in the evidence that they show you. You just have to be willing to accept that what you are seeing is exactly what is being said. Let me clarify. We like to think that everything is cut and dry by what someone tells us, but their actions and behavior do not line up with what they are saying. If someone is constantly telling they care about you, like you, and want to be with you, but never makes an effort to include you in their time schedule, then you can believe what you hear. Do you hear me? There's no other way to gauge that. People make time for the things that are important to them. Selfish people only make time for themselves and always have excuses why they cannot make time for you. Their priority is what they want, what they need, and what they want to do. There's no other way to get around the reality of that.
I can try to sugar coat it and give you a ton of scriptures on love being patient, being longsuffering, etc. Honestly, this particularly wisdom is unrelated to patience, its a matter of weighing what you are discerning and actually seeing with your own eyes. Love does not treat you with distain and clearly being neglected is something that we do not deserve. We are so much more than that. You do not need to hold onto things and people that don't appreciate the gift that you are. The awesome jewel that you are deserves someone to walk with you who will celebrate your magnificence.
You are a daughter of royal descent. You should be arrayed in fine apparel and garments. You should have rings put upon your fingers. You should be adored and loved because you are quality and a rare commodity. You are a virtuous find. Anyone who doesn't know that, will not appreciate that, and will not celebrate that is not worth the time it takes you to put on your stilettos.
Now walk like the daughter of a king and watch how God will begin to send the right kind of man your way. Now back to the other subject just briefly, because I want to hear from some of you regarding an blog I did a couple of months ago. I gave you some information on how to look and feel better, get into better shape, etc. I want to hear from some of you if you have taken the plunge into doing anything with that information. How are you feeling? Did you make some changes that were helpful in feeling better about yourself? Email me: or post a note. I want to hear from you.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Let's Go on a Journey Together
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; (I Cor 6:19)
Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? (I Cor 3:16)
You know many of us when we get settled into a relationship, whether marriage or dating one particular person over an extended period of time, we become very comfortable. In being comfortable, we sometimes lose ourselves in the relationship and neglect our needs to accommodate the needs of the other person. I know you know what I'm talking about.
I watched my weight and self esteem fluctuates throughout my marriage. When my weight was down, my self esteem was high, when it was up, it was low. Really, our self-esteem should not be based on what the scale says, but what God says about us. He says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't take care of ourselves as best we can. It means that God took time in making us in his image and after his likeness. How can we be anything but wonderful if the Lord used his pattern to make us? So, contrary to what the scale says, we are to be assured that we are his workmanship and that's makes extraordinary.
But it is so important to honor him in this temple that he has fashioned after himself. What are we doing to our temple when we put things in it that makes it unhealthy and causes it to be sick? You know we do this, then we ask God to heal us from the things we have introduced into our own bodies. We snack on Wendy's burgers because we can get them off of the $1 menu instead of going home and cooking something that will be healthier and better for us. Then we don't understand why we can't squeeze into that dress this week that we could wear a month ago. It's time to be really real my sisters. We need a reality check. I'm talking to myself too. We want people to accept us like we are and love us for us. But the truth is they will never get close enough to us to know how wonderful we are if they are turned off by how we look on the outside. That's just real talk. We need to be really serious about us, not for other people but because God wants us to take care of this vessel that he's made for his glory.
It is not enough to say that we want people to be accepting of us as is. That's great, but unfortunately, this is a hard pill to swallow for most when the first impression of how we feel about ourselves can be seen from the outside. Not taking care of our exterior is an indication that we don't really have a high opinion of ourselves to the person who is looking from the outside. This is a reality that we have to face as single women of God. When there are so many single sisters out there who are trying to be the best that they can be in God and in the natural. Can we really afford to be slack concerning our temples? I don't believe so.
Making positive changes in our lifestyles with proper food choices and exercise not only will benefit us naturally, but spiritually as well. It is equally difficult for someone who is out of shape and overweight to run a mile as it is for them to lay hands on hundreds of people or preach for an hour without being physically exhausted. There are great benefits for you and the kingdom when we take care of what God has entrusted to us. He's entrusted us with this temple for him to reside in and we have a responsibility to ensure that we properly nourish it and keep it fit.
I've made positive changes in my eating and exercise regime in the last month. I knew it was necessary to my overhealth and well being. I challenge you as I blog in future about my journey to join me in making changes in your lifestyle as well. It will only benefit you. This is not about nabbing that man you've been after, but it's about taking care of yourself, feeling good about yourself, and doing what is best for yourself. No more Wendy's, McDonald's, or Burger King. Opt for healthier things like lots of fruits and vegetables. Stay away from processed foods, white rice, sugar, white flour. Embrace high fiber foods and drink plenty of water. Please, don't drink your calories, that is a total waste when you could be eating something instead. Get up and get moving as well. Throw your sneakers on and walk, walk, walk or do some form of cardio 30-60 minutes 3-5 times a week. Do some weight training as well as this will help you get in shape quicker because it will help burn fat faster. If you do all of that, you will slim down, feel better about yourself, and look better as well.
That little black dress has been hanging on the rack too long. You keep looking at it, but you are no closer to getting back into it. Your blood pressure is up and you can't walk a flight of stairs without breathing heavily. So, do it for you because you deserve to feel better. Do it for you because you need to feel better. Do it for you because you cannot do what you need to do if you do not change the pattern of unhealthy behavior. The enemy hurts us with the things we do to ourselves. Don't let the devil keep you from being and doing what God has purposed because you can't muster up the strength to do it.
I encourage you to join me in the journey and look forward to hearing how each of you is doing.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
This is such a complex question and I'm sure depending on who you ask, you will get a different answer. The super-spiritual will say, no need to date, you will just know. Then there are the ones who tell you dig in but don't have too much fun. It's so very complicated. Times have changed and people even in the church play games and keep up foolishness. You never know if they're being real or not, if they're wasting your time or not, and if you're old school like me, you just believe people would be honest enough to say "I like you, but it's really not a love connection". You know what I mean. It's crazy girlfriends.
So, one of the things I've learned from a close friend of mine is, you cannot take meeting someone or even going out on a date too seriously. Men do not think like us. Most of them allow their gender parts to dictate their pursuit. You understand what I mean? So, they can have a great conversation with you and you think everything went well and look forward to seeing them again, but if the sexual attraction isn't there then they have moved on. A intellectual or emotional connection means little to nothing. While you are still waiting by the phone for them to call thinking you had a great time, they have started talking to someone else about going out. So, really it's so important to not get too overly excited about meeting someone if you are not sure they feel the same way. After all, it's just a meeting, not a relationship.
Back in the day, people were just a little more real and a little more honest, but now you have to deal with folks in the church who operate like the people in the world. So, you must use a little more reserve in investing your emotion, heart, and time into someone who has not made the same commitment to you. If you have not had that conversation with them, then why are you waiting around for them to call if someone else is interested and pursuing you? I had to pause for a moment and think about that for a minute as a friend told me that. A wow moment indeed. If you've been married then you are used to dealing with just one person and that's why it's so easy to put too much emphasis on one individual. This is a mentality that we have to switch out of when we enter into being single.
Our minds want to think that we've locked into something when we really haven't. Then we think something is wrong with us. We begin to beat ourselves up because someone didn't like us when we know we are likeable. However, if it is not God, do you really want that in your life? I think not. You want in your life who God wants for you. So, all the people who dismiss you and don't value how wonderful you are, you do not need them in your life. That is a pause moment and a thank you Jesus moment as well. There is nothing wrong with you. It's not your looks, your weight, your height, your smile, your color, your age, etc. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are altogether lovely and beautiful. Don't ever question that, just know that what God has for you, it is for you. Keep it moving.
Don't accept anything less than what the Lord has told you for your life. Don't compromise yourself in any way for anyone who is less than who God told you to expect. There is something in you that is valuable and God will connect you to the person who can help draw that out of you and walk with you into the place where the Lord is taking you. Nobody under that will do. It must be who he has ordained for you. So, don't be hurt, offended, or troubled by imposters. Don't be swayed by those who don't know who you are or value who you are. Don't be moved by a desire to have someone, because someone will not do. The "one" is the only one who will do.
Monday, August 22, 2011
And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. (I Sam 15:22)
My sister, daughters, and mothers I know you have all been at a place when you had to decide whether to obey or continue in a matter. I know you've had God tell you no to some things and then you stood there and reasoned with yourself whether God really said it or did he really mean it? You've even said, was part of what he said what I am supposed to do. We do this because we really don't want to do what God told us to do, because we have made up our minds about what we want to do. That's why some of us are with people right now and in relationships right now that are shipwrecks hung up in the ocean and going nowhere. We get where we think we can fix a matter that has already been decided. We think we have the power to make people into who we want them to be. We have not come to realize that we can't fix what's broken in people, only God can. But we hold on to some things so tightly, we're like a pitbull that has a hold to something and when he locks his jaws you cannot get him to release it. The problem with this is that if it isn't release then nothing else can ever go into his mouth again. He will die trying to hold on to something that he shouldn't have in his mouth to begin with. That's exactly how we are. We hold tightly to things that we shouldn't even have and because we won't let them go, God cannot bless us with the real blessing that he would like to give us.
Let me say this plainly, "obedience is better than sacrifice". It is better to obey him than to think that your offerings of praise, deals, and schemes will appease God for your willful disregard of his instructions. I don't care how many praise offerings you send up, it will not be enough to where God will overlook, forget, take back his instruction. You see, we cannot take a portion of what God has said to us and rationalize it into what we want it to mean. When he says no, he did not stutter, skip, or misspeak in his response and instruction. He has said just what he meant and will not change his mind on the matter. It has been decided. He knows what is coming down the line if you continue on the course that you are going. His desire is to keep you on a path that he has mapped out for you.
When we are willful in our sin, there no longer remains a sacrifice for the thing that we are committing (Heb 10:26). There will not be another lamb slain for the thing that we are doing. The price has already been paid for our transgressions. So when we decide to willfully disobey God, we've stepped out of covenant and decided that the blood was not enough. We are saying we don't need the blood to cover us any longer. So if we've taken ourselves from under the blood, then we are outside of the jurisdiction of God's word and subject to another authority and the consequences that come with that jurisdiction. You've entered into Dallas County outside the jurisdiction of Tarrant County. But now you're subject to the jurisdiction of the state police who can get you no matter what county you go into. The sin itself is still under the blood, but our disobedience has taken us out of fellowship and exposed us, so the enemy doesn't see the blood anymore, he just sees us in our mess. So, the consequences for our disobedience is what we are subject to. Some folk think because we are under the blood that there are no consequences for sin. If you get pregnant while in sin, there is still a baby coming that you have to deal with. Although you are forgiven, the consequences of your choice to willfully disobey God are still there. We put ourselves in direction line for the enemy to play pitipat with our lives when we disobey. The Lord is not going to help you in your disobedience. He'll forgive you, but he is not going to help you disobey him. His word says, if we confess our sin, he's faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (I Jn 1:9). When you decide to obey him in what he told you, he will help you get yourself together. I am a living witness and testimony to that.
We need to make sure that every decision that is made in our lives is made with the consent of the Lord. I did say every decision. If you cannot hear God in a matter, then you need to wait until you do before you proceed. This is the reason why we end up in so many messed up relationships and making so many bad decisions about life, because we do not have the patience to wait on God to speak to us concerning something we've petitioned him on. The other reason is, when he is specific on a matter, we ignore the word because we don't want to believe that what God has told us is what is best for us. But he knows best every time, not just some of the time. If I could reverse the hands of time, I would go back and make a great many changes in my life and obey when I heard God say some things to me the first time. I would have avoided many hurtful things and many bad decisions I've made on my own. But we can't reverse time, but we can reverse our behavior right now. We can make a conscience decision to consult the Lord on every matter so that we do not find ourselves in similar situations in the future.
Starting a new chapter in your life makes you realize that you have to look at things through God's eyes and not your own. Clealy our eyes do not tell us the truth of the matter. But when we walk in the spirit and keep our eyes turned toward him, he will keep us from going into trenches and potholes in life. When he says no, he really does mean no. It is to our benefit and not our detriment. I've decided whoever I've got to say, "no thank you" to or goodbye to, it is better that I do it than to find myself out of his will. This is not hour to be playing around his will, but we need to be found in his will and walking in obedience.
I appeal to you to say your goodbyes to whoever or whatever that is, that has, hindered you from obeying the voice of God. If the Lord has not given you a green light in your spirit, then you are to yield until he tells you proceed. For it is better to obey than to assume that we can pray, praise, and dance our foolishness into being a part of his will. He neither will accept those tears and offerings, for they compromise his very plan for your purpose. He will not forfeit his plan, so wipe off the tears, take off the praise garment, and put down your hands until you are ready to really surrender and do what he told you.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
You all have seen this I'm sure a woman in the church who has decided that the Lord told her that someone else's husband was hers. She somehow convinced herself that God would speak something so disconnected from who he is and violate his own word on her behalf. I have seen this spirit in operation and I tell you dear ones, it is NOT of God. The Lord is a God of order and he does not speak one thing and do another.
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. (I Jn 4:1)
When you hear a word from someone, first you must ascertain that it bears witness to what God's word says. The only way that it will bear witness to your spirit is if the Holyspirit within you confirms that indeed it is a word from God. Why, because, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come (Jn 14:26). So, you will know whether that word can be confirmed through the Holyspirit because he will bear witness to what the Father has said. God will not speak anything that does not comply to his word. Believe me on that one!
There are an abundance of single women running throughout the church as well as in the world. There doesn't seem to be enough good men to go around, so some women set themselves out to snag someone elses' mate. The unfortunate thing is that these women do not realize there is neither blessing or approval of God on this union they've done out of their flesh. God's hand will not be in it, it doesn't matter if you get 10 preachers to pray over you at the ceremony.
I remember one evening my former spouse and I walked into one of the larger churches in the metroplex and all along the back pew were a great many women sitting. As we walked by, I could sense the spirit of lust jumping out at us. This was the first time visiting this particular church and I was very thrown back from the onset. That is why I'm appealing to you today, to not be Lucy Loose. Let me tell you what I mean. Lucy Loose is that woman who is always doing things to try to get the attention of some married man in church. It is a lustful spirit birthed out her her fleshly desires. She volunteers for everything, when she hears about a man who may be getting ready to divorce or is having marital issues, she is always there to comfort and console. She likes being out in front where she can be seen. She is gifted and anointed spiritually and wants to flaunt what she can do so that the spotlight will be on her. She takes pleasure in confusion especially when she feels it benefits her effort in gaining the attention of male companionship. She is a liar, manipulative, and works undercover. You see, she's the one on Facebook chatting with your husband's when you're sleep, texting him while he's at work, and sending him private emails when you're not looking. She's the one always wanted to send a plate home to just your husband and not you. She's wants to be friends with him, but not you.
This woman is like the spiritual mother to Jezebel. Jezebel would have to step up her game to compare to her. Lucy Loose is the spirit of Jezebel in operation, but it seems to be more cunning and deceptive in this hour. I'm telling you today that this spirit is alive and well within the borders of the church. It is NOT God women of God. This is NOT the order of God. The Lord does not operate in this manner. If you are devising a plan to get someone else's husband to divorce his wife for you, the Lord is NOT going to honor that. In this hour God is turning over tables and exposing everything that's been hid. All secret sin is being exposed and everything that you thought was hidden is going to be revealed. I urge you to line yourselves up with God's word today.
I want to encourage you that it is okay for you to live holy and it is okay for you to be single and do the things of God. The Lord will take care of you. No, sometimes it is not easy, but give yourselves over to the Lord and that is when the yoke will become easier for you. His yoke is not meant to be a burden on us, but it can be heavy sometimes that's why you should cast it upon him because he is able to strengthen you, keep you, and sustain you for this walk.
Lucy Loose only wants marriage for sex and security. There is more to a marriage God ordains than to having thighs and a checkbook. We want what God wants for us. Because when you get satisfied physically and your bills are paid, what do you have after that? Do you have someone who was specifically designed for you? Do you have that one who compliments you and who God called to walk hand and hand with you? Guess what, if you don't then you've manipulated yourself into a relationship that will not produce what you really were after. So, set yourselves to seek the Lord and wait to hear a true word from God like King Jehosephat. Call a fast if you have to, let no food touch your lips till you hear from God concerning your life like Hannah who petitioned God concerning a child. Wait on the promise and don't settle for something that might be a curse. Someone else's grass might look really green, but it's still not your yard, so stay out of it.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. (James 3:10)
I told you yesterday that your deliverance is in your mouth. Do you remember that? Your blessing, though it tarry for a season, it has not been denied. Sometimes we will stop, hinder, or delay our own blessings, by what comes out of our own mouths. Our faith not being consistent with the thing that we believe God for, we find ourselves wavering on the promises of God.
How can God operate in unbelief? But, you think that you are believing, but your confession on that belief is not consistent with God's word concerning faith. You speak blessing and cursing within the same breathe. You tell God you believe him, but then you say if it's his will. You tell God you believe, but within the same mouth, you utter unbelief and doubt. Well, if he promised it, is it not his will to perform the thing which he has promised to those that believe? Is he a man that he should lie and not honor his own word? Not at all! Whatever his word says is sure and it is true. There is no variance in him, nor shadow of turning.
I had been praying concerning some things and expecting God to perform the request I made. Though it did not come when I anticipated, it came right when I needed it. There are a great many reasons God may delay our blessings. Sometimes it is to our benefit that our blessings are held up. At other times, they are delayed because we cannot consistently hold on to our faith long enough for him to perform the things that we've asked of him. I held on to my faith and kept believing. I didn't know how or when, but I know God was going to come through for me. Though my week started out with unfinished business and closure from my past, the delayed blessing of my prayer came through at the closure of my past.
You see, sometimes God will wait till all doors are closed, because he does not want a curse to partake of the blessing that he is about to release to you. If there is still a door open and a possibility that it could attach to what he is doing, he will hold it back until the door is closed, then release the blessing. I feel like someone has been waiting on some answers from God and for him to release some things, but you have not been consistent in your faith concerning the matter. The Lord told me this morning, "the curse cannot partake of the blessing". I don't believe its merely a word that speaks to my situation, but that word is for someone else as well.
You may be locked into a relationship or coming out of one and wondering why you are having such trouble getting it together. Well, if you have been wavering in your mind about going back and forth instead of trusting God to take care of your needs, then surely he cannot do all that he would like to do, because you are holding back his hand on the matter. He wants to bless you and give you all that is needed, but you need to believe that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him and the way and provision is going to made by him and through him. You cannot put your confidence in man, but you have to believe that God has the final word on the matter. He is capable without any help from anyone to take care of you and all that concerns you. Do you believe that?
Your situation is yet for a season. I just came out of tough season in the wilderness. A season is not meant to last a lifetime, but it is for a purpose. There are only four seasons in a year and the end of each, we transition into another one. They are not meant to last throughout the year. Though sometimes the seasons seem to stretch beyond their expected time. Sometimes they are prolonged. It stays colder longer than expected or hot longer than anticipated. Eventually, the season does change because they are only intended the last for a time. When we are in a season, we might not like the climate or what we have to deal with, but we still have to go through it. It's not going to change because you want it to. The testing of our faith produces something in us that causes us to stretch our faith (James 1:3). Whereas you thought in times past that you would or could not endure the thing you went through, when storms come again, you know that you are fully capable to withstand because you grew during the last trial while you were tested.
You have to know that your profession during your season is important to what God does at the end. Can he trust you in the end for what he has planned for the next elevation? It does matter how you go through the trial. It does matter what you say while you are going through. Did you believe God while you were going through? Let the words of your mouth and meditation of your heart be acceptable in his sight (Ps 19:14). Let your conversation be that which edifies and speaks to what is fruitful to your life and situation. They always say, "keep hope alive". I understand that because unless a person can hope in something then they have nothing to look forward to. I don't say hope, but I say keep faith alive, so that the blessings proceed out of your mouth continuously and speak to the affirmation of God's word.
Stir up your praise to ensure that your praise lines up with your faith. If we say that we believe but yet wait till the manifestation to give God credit for the blessing, are we really believing? But if we say that we believe and our praise reflects that God has indeed done the thing before the manifestation, then we are really believing.
Be blessed women of God!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
As I laid on my face praying and thanking God this morning even about all of the things that I had recently been through, I realized that the trials did not destroy me because I was still standing. Everything that I had gone through, no doubt, would have taken the average person out, but there is something special in me that gives me the victory even when I can't see my way through to the other side.

I speak about rejection often, because so many women who have been challenged in past relationships can identify with those feelings of rejection. It is not because I want you to focus on the rejection, but I want you to understand it, so you can identify the symptoms for the future, keep your spiritual eyes focused, and understand the tactics of the enemy. If we walk blinding through life as if it is a fairy tale we give the enemy free rein to do what he will, because we are so unaware to his tactics. Proverbs 2:2 turn your eyes to wisdom and your hearts to understanding. Your eyes will teach you some things and help you walk in wisdom and I'm just sharing the things that life and my eyes have taught me. The reason I give scripture and not just my opinion is because Proverbs 18:2 A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. So, I want you to understand the things I speak to you are inspired by the Holyghost, my experience, and God's word.
Now, that I've said that, I want you to understand in your present situation whatever that might be, that God is the final authority on the outcome. I've had people speak against my very life and tell me, how God was going to get me because I wouldn't allow them to manipulate and control me. We do not have to submit to someone's opinion, but we have to submit to the word of God. Every idol word spoken against us has no authority, power, or influence over our lives. In fact the Lord says that it is condemned and will not prosper (Isaiah 54:17). His word says even anything that violates what his word says to be true to cast that very thought down and then not only that but turn around and speak against it by using the word of God to make the matter come subject to his word (2 Cor 10:5).
When I was looking at 2 Cor 10:5 this morning, I heard the Lord say to me the word captive. That word stuck out to me, because when you capture something, you have to subdue it and put it on lockdown. Just as a prisoner who has been taken into the enemies camp. God wants us to grab that thought that is contrary to what his word affirms bring into a place of captivity, subdue it, lock it down. It's like lasoing something then making it do what you want it to do. That's what the Lord says to do. We subdue it and make it do what God's word says for it to do. For example, God's word says you are above and not beneath, but someone has told you that you are beneath them. You bring that word that was spoken and subdue and put the word that God really said concerning you over what the enemy has said.
I said, well, God, "how do I subdue it?" Well you have to keep reaffirming God's word over it every time that thing comes back up in my mind. That's how you cast it down. It makes no sense to just to try to erase it from out of your mind, because that won't work. You've got to put something back in place of the thing that you are trying to subdue. That thing is the word of God.
The Lord just wants me to encourage you all today and let you know really, that he has the final word on your situation. Whatever his word says today, God is in agreement with that. If you have had ill things spoken over you by people close to you, know that the Lord's word conflicts with what the enemy has released into your life and spirit, but you have to be the one who subdues those words and speak against them with the word of God.
If I had received every ill word spoken over me, I don't know where I would be right now. Surely, not where God intended. Proverbs 10:6 Blessings crown the head of the righteous, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked. So, you do not need to worry about what other people have said or did because God has that handled. Your blessing is in your obedience to him. Your deliverance is in your mouth. Arm yourselves with his word, speak over yourself, and know that God has your back and he has the final word on your situation.
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