The word of the Lord came to me today from:
Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

There have been many who have witnessed that which attested to the will of the Lord who know and understand what it takes to walk this walk and endure to the end. Those are the example that we should strive to follow. Those who have given us instruction, the prophets, apostles, men and women of God not only in past times, but in present as well. The witness is that God's plan and purpose for us is sure and we were made to walk in it. God has given instruction through the mouths and lives even of his prophets to you, but yet you walk in such a way to not hear what God is saying to you in this hour. Can you not see from times past how things play out when we do not stay on the path that God has ordered for us? Why are our ears closed to the voice of the Lord. It is because we are distracted by things that do not pertain to our purpose or destiny. Our minds are confused and searching but yet the answers have been before us the entire time.
It is those distractions that hinder us from hearing God, obeying God, and tangle our feet so that we cannot move forward to the place where God has been longing to take us. The word says run with perserverance the race that is marked out for YOU. No one else can do that and you cannot do it, if it is not your focus.
As women of God, we are not given the same luxury of mistakes and grace from the saints as others. Though God does not devalue us nor give us less, but unfortunately this is not the world we live in, our chastity and accountability is at another level for acceptability. This means the church expects that we will walk with a higher standard even than our brothers in the gospel. It's not fair, but that's how it is. So with that in mind, we must move to walk above reproach and walk away swiftly from things that would hinder, speak against, or stumble our reputation or the purpose of God in our lives.
So sisters, just because something looks good, smells good, and speaks all the right things, does not mean its God. I think I heard somebody say, yes it is. No, it's not. I've just got to keep it real. In this hour, we cannot afford to miss it. This is not the hour to be playing like you don't know and can't see what's in front of you. There is too much at stake. So walk away from the counterfeit and wait on the real thing. Throw off every hindering thing. Lay aside all of those thoughts, dreams, and ideas floating around in your head. Wipe the sweat off your brow and lay on your face and hear God.
You've got to run the race that God has put before you, not your version of it. You cannot do that with so many things on your mind that contradict his will. You cannot do that when there are people in the way who oppose the very purpose for your life. Be strong in the Lord and in power of his might (Eph 6:10). After having done all to stand, continue to stand, resist the enemies devices, stand your ground, and walk with the entire armor of the Lord Almighty on.
How we stand sometimes is walking away from things that stiffle God's will in our lives. Now, that's not running, but that is wisdom.