“I know that You can do everything, And that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You. Job (42:2 NKJV)
As I was talking to a friend of mine about life, we began to talk about being single and waiting on God. One of the things that stuck out in mind that she said was, "I would have to lower my standard if I ever wanted to get married again". Really? Now, this disturbed me on so many levels because often that's what people will tell you. Not because they are trying to down-grade you, but because so many women have the mentality that because there aren't as many options for Godly women as there are for men that our needs, desires, and purpose have to take a back seat just to enjoy the privilege of marriage.
It is true that men have a greater pool of "good women" to pull from. They have more options. But the bottom line becomes do you want options or do you want the one purposed for you? I could definitely say the same thing for men. That is why they are so patient and not willing to accept just anything. Along with the fact they have more options so it gives them the ability to wait for “THE ONE” to come along. They know they don’t have to settle. While, we struggle with this because we know “good” men are limited. While this is true, we should still desire to have “THE ONE” and not just ANYONE.
I began to think about the reality of what she said to me. This is the reality...do I want to except less than what was promised and compromise who I am again for someone I shouldn't be connected to? The answer for me is definitely not! I certainly don't have an issue with being single spending more quality time in prayer and serving God right here, right now where I am. I would rather remain single and please God than to connect with someone who doesn't have a clue, understanding, or revelation about me, my God, and purpose. When someone aligns with you - your purpose and theirs is intertwined. But when you connect with someone who doesn't have a clue it is a continued battle and struggle to be all God has purposed you to be. So, I say again, I'm not struggling with the possibility of singledom, though I know that I will marry again.
The Lord knows who you are and what you need. It is not a struggle for him to provide it for you. It's a matter of whether we are willing to wait on him to give us what we need, rather than looking into every face of every man trying to make him a husband. I heard the man of God say on last week that every preacher that you see is NOT your husband. Let's just get that revelation right there. It is a sad state that some women can't come to church to enjoy the word of God because their minds are so consumed with finding a man. The only reason why some women show up to the service is because of who is preaching and it's not because they want the word. Come on somebody! Let's just keep it 100 today. Our focus should be turned to God. If we cannot turn off the man-dar long enough to get a word from heaven then we need to spend more time on the altar and less idle time doing nothing. The absence of prayer is the normal culprit for when our mind wants to run amuck.
Of course, you know I did not receive that word that I was given about lower my standard, amen. I will NOT allow my standard to fall down below what God has said. Why should I be willing to accept less than God's plan for my life? If the Lord said it, he's going to surely bring it to past. Then why would I be willing to dismiss everything God said just so I can lay next to thighs every night? Do not allow negative people to infiltrate your spirit and cloud your mind with words that are not God influenced. Do not allow other people's insecurity to direct your life, decisions, or purpose. I want to encourage you today and speak loudly into your spirit, “Do not allow people to speak foolishness into your spirit.”
Whoever you are and whatever purpose you have on your life, your mate will compliment that. You do not have to alter who you are to accommodate someone. If you have to alter yourself, downgrade yourself in such a way that who you are is compromised I would question whether this is the will of God concerning you. God does not align us with individuals who do not compliment who we are. He aligns us with individuals who can walk with us stride for stride. It will be someone who is the ying to your yang. It will be someone who is salt to your pepper. It will be someone who is Abraham to your Sarah. We want who God wants for us, not less than. You, we are worth more and too much to take less than what was promised.
Your purpose cannot be withheld from you. Your destiny awaits you. It is coming because God said it is. It is purposed because God said it is. It is his will because he said it is. It doesn’t matter what it looks like right now or what other people are saying. I don’t care if they say you’re too old or you missed God and should have married Billy Bob. If the Lord said no then it was no and he said wait, then it wait until the appointed time. If he is not here yet, it's because he isn't ready yet. God has to do just a little more work on him to get him ready for you. You do not want the incomplete package do you? You want it when it's really ready for you and it's God's timing for you to have it.
Don't be so eager to jump in and take something that not only isn't ready, but is not even what he said! If he didn't say it, you do not want it! Trust me on that. You want to wait for the promise and don't accept the curse. Whatever isn’t' the promise will surely be a curse to you. It will hinder you in every area of your life. It will stifle you, your purpose, your destiny, and everything attached to you. You do not want this? Some of you have fallen behind messing with people who stifled your purpose. You have gotten side-tracked and emotionally damaged fooling with individuals who did not have the capacity to handle the anointing on your life. Don't allow your flesh to dictate your next move. Let your next move be God driven and not flesh driven! Amen.
As I was talking to a friend of mine about life, we began to talk about being single and waiting on God. One of the things that stuck out in mind that she said was, "I would have to lower my standard if I ever wanted to get married again". Really? Now, this disturbed me on so many levels because often that's what people will tell you. Not because they are trying to down-grade you, but because so many women have the mentality that because there aren't as many options for Godly women as there are for men that our needs, desires, and purpose have to take a back seat just to enjoy the privilege of marriage.
It is true that men have a greater pool of "good women" to pull from. They have more options. But the bottom line becomes do you want options or do you want the one purposed for you? I could definitely say the same thing for men. That is why they are so patient and not willing to accept just anything. Along with the fact they have more options so it gives them the ability to wait for “THE ONE” to come along. They know they don’t have to settle. While, we struggle with this because we know “good” men are limited. While this is true, we should still desire to have “THE ONE” and not just ANYONE.
I began to think about the reality of what she said to me. This is the reality...do I want to except less than what was promised and compromise who I am again for someone I shouldn't be connected to? The answer for me is definitely not! I certainly don't have an issue with being single spending more quality time in prayer and serving God right here, right now where I am. I would rather remain single and please God than to connect with someone who doesn't have a clue, understanding, or revelation about me, my God, and purpose. When someone aligns with you - your purpose and theirs is intertwined. But when you connect with someone who doesn't have a clue it is a continued battle and struggle to be all God has purposed you to be. So, I say again, I'm not struggling with the possibility of singledom, though I know that I will marry again.
The Lord knows who you are and what you need. It is not a struggle for him to provide it for you. It's a matter of whether we are willing to wait on him to give us what we need, rather than looking into every face of every man trying to make him a husband. I heard the man of God say on last week that every preacher that you see is NOT your husband. Let's just get that revelation right there. It is a sad state that some women can't come to church to enjoy the word of God because their minds are so consumed with finding a man. The only reason why some women show up to the service is because of who is preaching and it's not because they want the word. Come on somebody! Let's just keep it 100 today. Our focus should be turned to God. If we cannot turn off the man-dar long enough to get a word from heaven then we need to spend more time on the altar and less idle time doing nothing. The absence of prayer is the normal culprit for when our mind wants to run amuck.
Of course, you know I did not receive that word that I was given about lower my standard, amen. I will NOT allow my standard to fall down below what God has said. Why should I be willing to accept less than God's plan for my life? If the Lord said it, he's going to surely bring it to past. Then why would I be willing to dismiss everything God said just so I can lay next to thighs every night? Do not allow negative people to infiltrate your spirit and cloud your mind with words that are not God influenced. Do not allow other people's insecurity to direct your life, decisions, or purpose. I want to encourage you today and speak loudly into your spirit, “Do not allow people to speak foolishness into your spirit.”
Whoever you are and whatever purpose you have on your life, your mate will compliment that. You do not have to alter who you are to accommodate someone. If you have to alter yourself, downgrade yourself in such a way that who you are is compromised I would question whether this is the will of God concerning you. God does not align us with individuals who do not compliment who we are. He aligns us with individuals who can walk with us stride for stride. It will be someone who is the ying to your yang. It will be someone who is salt to your pepper. It will be someone who is Abraham to your Sarah. We want who God wants for us, not less than. You, we are worth more and too much to take less than what was promised.
Your purpose cannot be withheld from you. Your destiny awaits you. It is coming because God said it is. It is purposed because God said it is. It is his will because he said it is. It doesn’t matter what it looks like right now or what other people are saying. I don’t care if they say you’re too old or you missed God and should have married Billy Bob. If the Lord said no then it was no and he said wait, then it wait until the appointed time. If he is not here yet, it's because he isn't ready yet. God has to do just a little more work on him to get him ready for you. You do not want the incomplete package do you? You want it when it's really ready for you and it's God's timing for you to have it.
Don't be so eager to jump in and take something that not only isn't ready, but is not even what he said! If he didn't say it, you do not want it! Trust me on that. You want to wait for the promise and don't accept the curse. Whatever isn’t' the promise will surely be a curse to you. It will hinder you in every area of your life. It will stifle you, your purpose, your destiny, and everything attached to you. You do not want this? Some of you have fallen behind messing with people who stifled your purpose. You have gotten side-tracked and emotionally damaged fooling with individuals who did not have the capacity to handle the anointing on your life. Don't allow your flesh to dictate your next move. Let your next move be God driven and not flesh driven! Amen.