Welcome Wonderful Single Women!

Pull up a chair and make yourself at home. I've got some good things to share with you. I hope you're ready for the truth because that's all you'll find here. It's time to be real and find out some real answers for real women.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Getting Your Groove Back

I know some of you have gone through some valley's, rivers, and rocky terrain.  You've had to endure hurt, ridicule, criticism, abuse, and rejection.  After having gone through all of that you've got to find your groove back and get back in the game.  At some point, you have to tell the coach you're ready to go back in and enough time has been spent sitting on the bench. 

I'm working on a book entitled, "When Hell Comes Knocking" subtitled "Coming Back from Rejection". The reason for the book is to share with everyone who has experienced some of the things I have and offer my experience so that it might help someone else fight their way back from attacks from the enemy designed to sideline you.  The things that we go through really are distractions to the purpose before us.  Although they are used to grow us up and mature us, they are also devices that can keep us from going forward. 

When the enemy comes in like a flood you have to be ready to lift up a standard.  If you are vulnerable from rejection and hurt, you can find yourself weak, depressed, and sometimes even suicidal.  Getting back from rejection is critical to moving forward.  You've got to be ready and willing to accept things as how they are and that you may not ever figure out how you came to be.  That means if you never find out why you were rejected, you've got to be willing to accept that and move on.  If you don't you will never be able to get back or beyond where you are right now.

You literally have to fight your way out of your situation so that the enemy will know you are not the weak pathetic thing that he pegged you out to be.  We don't fight with our fist, because we can't wrestle the enemy with flesh and blood, but we fight him in the spirit ream.  You have to fight to keep your mind.  You have to fight to keep your sanity.  You have to fight to keep your peace.  You fight by putting the word of God on every area of vulnerability.  I am no expert in handling rejection, but I've learned that it is a part of life and you have to learn to cope with what it can do to you emotionally.  Your emotions can affect you spiritually if you allow it.  Your emotions can pull you backwards when you are trying to press forward. 

I once was one of those women who was caught up in the fairy tale love stories.  You know, girl meets boy, boy likes girl, girl likes boy, they fall in love and live happily ever after.  I know some of you are still right there.  Sometimes unexpected things happen and you don't get the happily ever after that you were anticipating.  You end up with the girl being by herself and now having to face and deal with the fairy tale not going as expected.  Love is supposed to conquer all, that's what people say.  The word says love doesn't fail, the world says it conquers all (I Cor 13:1).  The problem is not with love, the problem is with people.  We can't control what they do and how they handle things, we can only give them the love that we are supposed to give.  Your love didn't fail, but the people who you were connected to failed.  Don't despair over love, because it's real, it's Godly, and it's appropriate to love.  God expects it and don't ever give up on it.  You can and will love again.  Just because someone else failed you, doesn't mean that the intended purpose of love is not extraordinary.

If the fairy tale came to an end, it's because you were never meant to be in the story.  God has another story that he's writing out for you and that you are meant to be in.  You were sidetracked by what you just came out of.  Don't get sidelined by the sidetrack.  Get off of the bench and get back into the game.  There's still time on the clock because the game isn't over.  Now it's time to put your focus back on what it needs to be on and that is your husband.  You are the bride of Christ so therefore, your focus now should be on him.  Your instructions are going to come from God.  Don't allow what the witch did in story book to keep you from kissing your prince.  I was sidelined because of rejection and for a time I wouldn't kiss my prince because of the hurt.  I'm a relentless prayer warrior and the enemy had to do something to get me out of the face of God, so he sent hell to my doorstep to stir up strive.  The witch tried to isolate me from everyone who cared about me.  For a time, I was wouldn't get off of the bench, but God stepped in and let me see what the enemy was doing.  So, I'm sharing with you this, so that you will understand that you are not the only one who has gone through something that threw you so much that you thought you couldn't go on. 

But, I need you to pick yourself up and put yourself back into the place that the Lord called you to.  Don't allow what the enemy meant to destroy you and keep you from operating in God's purpose for your life. Stir yourself back up in prayer and press on.  Get your groove back in the spirit.  Propel yourself forward and let go of what you left behind.  The story has not been told yet of what God's going to do, but know that he does have a plan and book designed just for you.  Yes, some people have been written out of the new edition, but thanks be unto God they were, because they would have limited where God was taking you. 

Get your groove back emotionally and spiritually.  Stop saying no to everyone that wants to talk to you, or have coffee with you.  If you're not feeling them, then just let them know.  I knew a woman who thought no man was good enough for her because she had an idea of the perfect man.  This man never came along and she turned down many that could have been the one but she was so stuck on her characteristics list that she never married.  Soon just about any man would do, but the unfortunate thing is she got old, her looks deteriorated and all those who once were interested had moved on.  Don't be her.  If some of you have been married, you probably don't even remember what it's like to go out on a date.  I'm trying to figure that thing out myself.  But it's time to find out.

So find your way back from being sidelined and back into the place in the Lord you use to dwell.  Next, don't be afraid to say yes sometimes to invitations.  Don't let the opportunity to find out if your next invitation is the one God intended for you.

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