Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world (I Jn 4:1)
Beloveds don't believe the hype and what people tell you about them or not even what other people tell you about someone. I say that because you never know the motives behind why someone else is defaming a person to you. Their motive could be that they want them for themselves or other reasons. Could be they do not have Godly intent toward you, so you must discern and try every spirit to see whether the Lord has spoken or not.
Some of us, I don't know whether it is insecurity, desperation, confusion, lack of understanding, or fear, find it difficult to dismiss things or people out of our space. Let me be clear, when we have seen that spirit manifest and it reveals itself to us then we have no obligation to entertain it. If deliverance is not in the making, then an exit should be.
I know some of you have or will go on dates or even have initial conversations with people which at some point their true character will be displayed during that conversation. Why oh why do we continue to sit and listen and play with enemy when we have already discerned the character of the individual and it is not a person who is in line with who you are? For a long time I could not understand that about myself. Until I realized one day, it's because we have this God complex. We think that we can save people. I thought somehow I was not displaying love by not being longsuffering. But when I realized that I'm under no obligation to be longsuffering with foolishness, I have learned to simply walk away. There is no need to invite the enemy to do damage to your life. That is, unless, you enjoy drama, foolishness, and misery.
After suffering many years in bad relationships, I have learned to shake the dust off of my feet and keep it moving. For example, ladies sitting through a date with someone or even a telephone conversation that is not conducive to the things of God is not a conversation that we need to be having. In other words, there is really no point in sitting there for an hour of your precious time that you could be spending in prayer. When you discover that it is finished or that it's not going to begin, let them see your skirt tail leave the conversation.
Do not allow fear of being alone to stop you from using wisdom concerning your life. You are more important than that. Do not give other people more credit, importance, and respect than you give yourself. That doesn't mean not to love people, but it simply means that do not devalue yourself so others can feel important. You are valuable and what you think, how you feel, and who you choose to spend your time with is your decision. You do have a choice with whom you spend your time with. So, if for some reason the date, the conversation, the relationship is not what you choose to do, then do not allow fear of loneliness or being alone stop you from stepping back.
Too many times we stay in things because of that or insecurity. When we do that, we are putting someone else's needs above ours and devaluing ourselves. We are saying how we feel is less important than how they feel or what they need. You need something too and if you are not getting what you need, then it is not what it's supposed to be.
So, if you just remember one thing I’ve said today, remember this; do not be afraid to walk away. If you have to excuse yourself to go to the restroom and slide out to your car, if you have to end the telephone conversation, if you have to say I’m not doing this, whatever way in which you need to handle it, don’t be afraid to do it. You deserve peace, you deserve happiness, you deserve respect, and you deserve someone in your life that can give all of that to you. Don’t stay or get connected because of what other people have told you or what that person tells you. You connect or disconnect based on what God has told you. It doesn’t matter what someone else wants because you have a choice about who you invite into your space.
Be blessed beloveds!
Pastor Symintha
Beloveds don't believe the hype and what people tell you about them or not even what other people tell you about someone. I say that because you never know the motives behind why someone else is defaming a person to you. Their motive could be that they want them for themselves or other reasons. Could be they do not have Godly intent toward you, so you must discern and try every spirit to see whether the Lord has spoken or not.
Some of us, I don't know whether it is insecurity, desperation, confusion, lack of understanding, or fear, find it difficult to dismiss things or people out of our space. Let me be clear, when we have seen that spirit manifest and it reveals itself to us then we have no obligation to entertain it. If deliverance is not in the making, then an exit should be.
I know some of you have or will go on dates or even have initial conversations with people which at some point their true character will be displayed during that conversation. Why oh why do we continue to sit and listen and play with enemy when we have already discerned the character of the individual and it is not a person who is in line with who you are? For a long time I could not understand that about myself. Until I realized one day, it's because we have this God complex. We think that we can save people. I thought somehow I was not displaying love by not being longsuffering. But when I realized that I'm under no obligation to be longsuffering with foolishness, I have learned to simply walk away. There is no need to invite the enemy to do damage to your life. That is, unless, you enjoy drama, foolishness, and misery.
After suffering many years in bad relationships, I have learned to shake the dust off of my feet and keep it moving. For example, ladies sitting through a date with someone or even a telephone conversation that is not conducive to the things of God is not a conversation that we need to be having. In other words, there is really no point in sitting there for an hour of your precious time that you could be spending in prayer. When you discover that it is finished or that it's not going to begin, let them see your skirt tail leave the conversation.
Do not allow fear of being alone to stop you from using wisdom concerning your life. You are more important than that. Do not give other people more credit, importance, and respect than you give yourself. That doesn't mean not to love people, but it simply means that do not devalue yourself so others can feel important. You are valuable and what you think, how you feel, and who you choose to spend your time with is your decision. You do have a choice with whom you spend your time with. So, if for some reason the date, the conversation, the relationship is not what you choose to do, then do not allow fear of loneliness or being alone stop you from stepping back.
Too many times we stay in things because of that or insecurity. When we do that, we are putting someone else's needs above ours and devaluing ourselves. We are saying how we feel is less important than how they feel or what they need. You need something too and if you are not getting what you need, then it is not what it's supposed to be.
So, if you just remember one thing I’ve said today, remember this; do not be afraid to walk away. If you have to excuse yourself to go to the restroom and slide out to your car, if you have to end the telephone conversation, if you have to say I’m not doing this, whatever way in which you need to handle it, don’t be afraid to do it. You deserve peace, you deserve happiness, you deserve respect, and you deserve someone in your life that can give all of that to you. Don’t stay or get connected because of what other people have told you or what that person tells you. You connect or disconnect based on what God has told you. It doesn’t matter what someone else wants because you have a choice about who you invite into your space.
Be blessed beloveds!
Pastor Symintha