Say it with me, I am who my bible says I am, I can do what my bible says I can…..I know we’ve all heard that before a time or two. Embracing your singleness empowers you to be who God says you are right now at this very moment, not at some point in the future. That means you are not waiting around for someone or something to happen or come into your life to realize your potential in God. Oh, did I just speak prophetically into my own life!
It can indeed be a challenge to let go of the preconceived idea that life begins with a spouse or significant other. Though, another phase of your life will begin when the Lord blesses you with a mate, however, who you are is who you are and it is not continent upon if and when the Lord sends that man of God your way.
Let me remind you of the word God gave to Jeremiah, He said "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." (Jer 1:5). The Lord spoke these words to his prophet to let him know that HE set him apart and called him into who he was before the sperm meet the egg. Before conception and birth, God had determined your purpose and who he predetermined you to be. It had nothing to do with anyone else or who you were yoked up with. It entirely has to do with the Lord’s expressed purpose concerning you. So your singleness does not limit you. It is not a limitation. It is not a handicap. Where you are right now, is by God’s design. Things did not happen the way they did so you would be conflicted, discouraged, and sidetracked. He purposed it this way. He put you in this position so that he could birth some things in you. As Picasso master pieced many designs of art, so did the Lord concerning you. You are who you are and who you are is who God called you to be.
I wish I could get one somebody to understand the words that are coming out of my fingers on today. The enemy works overtime to get our minds to accept limitations society puts on us. Did you hear what I said? Society and religion teaches us that we cannot adhere to the call of God, do the things of God, and walk in complete obedience to his assignment unless we are yoked with a spouse. It places limitations on the Holyghost that lives on the inside of us. Because really, that is what is happening. The vessel itself which is housing the Holyghost has nothing to do with what the Lord preordained. He said what he said, he appoints who he appoints, he does what he wants to do and he called who he wants to call. Now, I’m not preaching singleness forever, but I’m preaching walk in the vocation wherewith you are called. That’s your assignment and whether someone else wants to walk along side of you to fulfill this purpose God has on your life is entirely up to you. He will give you the desires of your heart. But nobody is going to come along and fulfill God’s purpose for you. That’s your responsibility!
Life does not stop just because you decide to withdraw from it. The world keeps right on going without you. If you don’t walk in it, guess what? God will send the next soldier out that’s willing to obey his voice and heed to his commandments. When it’s all said and done, what will be your response to him concerning the assignment he placed in YOUR hands? Will you say, “God I was waiting on…” While, you wait, carry out the assignment that is before you. Because you are who you are whether Boaz shall appear the day after tomorrow or not.
You are, woman of God, indeed a treasure that God has put in the earth. Walk steady, walk worthy, walk with authority, and stop standing around waiting for something or someone to happen. Embrace your singleness!
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