Well, drawing the wrong man to you could be a number of things but from a spiritual perspective I will share with you two issues. The first is that it is spirits that you are drawing not people. Let’s be clear in that. Many people say the enemy will send to you just what you want; well it depends on the season that you are in. When you are in a season where God is transitioning you and preparing you for elevation and what he has next for you, then the enemy brings in what you like to distract you. Clearly, all of the things that are not distraction to you, it’s not on his radar when he (the enemy doesn’t see a shift occurring in your life). But when there is no shift occurring, then the enemy sends stuff to frustrate you and aggravate you to the core to cause you to question your effectiveness and who you are.
The things that come your way largely have to do with you, where you are spiritually and what you are putting out. Insecurity pulls like spirits to itself just as arrogance, or controlling spirits. There are men that prey on women with insecurity issues and they can sense it. They pick up on that spirit that’s on you and run to it. It’s a door of opportunity for them to get a foothold in your life. They’re like flies hanging around something that appeals to them. Whatever it is that has attached to you, that you have not been completely delivered from, the enemy uses as window of opportunity to see where he can launch an attack and do damage. Yes, there are issues from our past that we have suffered and never denounced that remain attached to us and until we release them out of our spirit then they are dormant. You ever wonder how you could end up doing some of the very things you said you would never, ever do? That’s some stuff that was in you, that you have not denounced and been set free from.
I’ve been down that road a few times and I can say this…I looked down at myself in my mess and wondered how I got there. The bottom line is if we do not address our past it affects our future. At some point we have to acknowledge what’s in us if we ever want to be delivered and if we ever want to draw the person purposed for our lives.
The second thing is this, you think that you are drawing people who are not on the same spiritual level as you because you are prophet, apostle, evangelist, pastor, teacher, preacher Suzy Q. Well, I have news, you might think you’re wonderful, but you may not be way up there in the Spirit where you think you are, so you really are attracting people on your level, but assuming that they aren’t. I know that might be a little harsh, but didn’t I always say I would keep it real. Again, let me say I’ve been there, okay. I’ve had my wonderful moment where I thought I prophesy, preach, sing, prayer, lay hands, and am all things to all people, every body’s type, etc., etc., etc…..You know. I’ve been there. The bottom line is we cannot think of ourselves more highly than we ought. Deliverance is so wonderful, because all of that is insecurity too. It’s just the other side of insecurity over compensating instead of getting set free. You’ve got to realize what is in you and be willing to acknowledge and want to be delivered from it. There is a reason why certain types of people are drawn to you. When you stop putting out certain things, then what comes to you will change. When you are willing to admit that there is an issue in you that needs to be addressed, then change can truly come. But if you have arrived and are unwilling to call those things out of you that keep you in a place disconnected from the promises God has for you, then you limit your ability to embrace your destiny. You position yourself to not walk into your promise. You stop God’s ability to transition you and take you to the next level.
You have to be willing to ask yourself this question “Is there something on me?” Is there something I need to address? If you drawing the wrong kind of man to you; this is certainly a question that you should ask. What season are you in? If you’re not in transition then discern what you’re drawing. Have a most blessed day wonderful women of God. I’ve got to end it here, but stay encouraged.
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