Welcome Wonderful Single Women!

Pull up a chair and make yourself at home. I've got some good things to share with you. I hope you're ready for the truth because that's all you'll find here. It's time to be real and find out some real answers for real women.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Well, some of you might have thought I would be talking about money, but not so.  I have found that there is something that has a whole lot more value than money could ever have and you could never put an actual price on it and that is self-respect. You cannot purchase it at a store, but yet it is so essential.  They do not sell it anywhere, but yet everyone needs to have it.  Once you lose it, it is difficult to get back, but yet you need it.  Nobody can give it to you, but it's important that you hold on to it.

It is because of lack of self respect many women feel as if they should be more or less discriminating in relationships.  In other words, there are the women who live and die by obtaining a man who can only buy them whatever they want, do not care about the anointing, love, being equally yoked, or anything remotely resembling Jesus.  These we will call "diamond girls".  It is strictly all about the benjamins and nothing else.  I will say this, that it takes less self-respect for a diamond than any of the other kinds of women.  A diamond will sell herself for a dollar and a ring.  She values herself less than the woman with what we would consider the lowest self-esteem.  Even a woman who we classify as such, has more self-respect than to give herself away for money.  A diamond has some real issues with herself in general.  She doesn't care for herself and her worth.  Who she is and what she represents is what she has and what she can put on.  She believes she is being smart by holding out for the biggest bidder or the man with the biggest bank account.  But, she does not feel she is anything unless there is a price tag attached to her person.  She looks down on herself unless she can attain only what money can buy.  Therefore she seeks after a man that can supply her financial needs and ignores her spiritual needs. She looks down on others for what they don't have, but truly she is the one that is lacking in so many areas of her life. 

There are so many diamond girls within the church.  These are the women who pursue position clawing and backbiting.  These are the women that seek after people within the church who stand in great positions.  They seek after being put in high places.  They are much like Jezebel in that they are manipulative and aggressively seeking after that which they are not entitled to.  They will sell you out and anybody who gets in their way to obtain their prize.  If they have to change the script to make you look like you did something wrong to take you out of the field so that they will be the only girl out there filling their basket in the light of the day, they will do it.  Just like Jezebel who manipulated her husband to steal the land of Naboth.  Diamonds are ruthless women and they look like they have high self-esteem, but in reality they are unsure of themselves and therefore must tear down other people to look elevated rather than working on a level playing field.  These are the diamonds.

I'm only going to be talking about the diamonds today, but we will be talking about other jewels such as the ruby and pearl. I speak to the diamonds today and tell you that you are worth more than you are selling yourself for.  Giving your goods aways for any price is not worth it.  You deserve all that God has for you.  You can afford to give God time to work on you and prepare you for who you need rather than chasing what can never fulfill you. Jezebels' end speaks to what happens to women who manipulate their way into relationships and in life.  There is no good end to giving yourself away to the highest bidder.  Your price is far above what any man could ever pay except he be the savior, Jesus Christ.  You were already bought with a price, the blood of the lamb.  You've already been purchased with a price that nothing else could compare to or stand up to.  I used a diamond to express the fact that it is unbreakable, valuable, and even in its uncut state, still unmistakeably beautiful.  This is why everyone seeks after a diamond.  The only problem is that in most cases a diamond doesn't even know she's a jewel because she's too busy trying to be less than what she is.

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