The closer we get to God the easier becomes to detect a counterfeit. The problem with most of us today is our prayer life is off so our demon detector is not fully engaged. In other words, we hit and miss. We pick up some things but we miss many. We end up being connected to folks that have business being in our space because we have moved away from being in God’s face and settled for being in somebody else face.

You see, once I got over the initial I can’t believe I’m by myself and then the insecurity of being a middle-aged woman who is single, I began to realize how fearfully and wonderfully the Lord has made me and how valuable I am. When you realize how valuable you are you walk with a different kind of swag and people are drawn not only to your outer beauty but your inner confidence. It’s more than just a state of mind but it’s security in knowing that you got it and you are not looking for someone else to validate that point. You do not need to argue that point because it is evident in who you are and how you carry yourself.
I’ve seen myself be many people in this journey because when we are propelled into a new place you have to eventually find a good spot to land in or we will forever view ourselves as the victim who was hurt by the last guy. Don’t get me wrong we have every right to feel the sting of the last hurt, but we do not need to live in it. It does, however, take time for us to fully recover from the wounds that ripped our hearts into pieces. Do not fool yourself into thinking that you can come out over night. That does not happen, no matter how much you pray. Sometimes, while you’re going through the recovery process you find it difficult to even pray because you cannot seem to understand how God could allow you to go through such hurt and not fore-warn you. So, while we’re going through the recovery we may cry, blame, we may even be numb, resistant, and sometimes pretend like it’s not affecting you at all. But it does affect us. It affects our ability to minister, our anointing, our relationships, and our personalities.
It is because we not take the time to really review what’s in us and allow time to let God heal us until we find ourselves back in that deep place in prayer that was our safety net that we end up looking into the face of a counterfeit. A counterfeit is a cheap imitation of the real thing. It is not authentic, but it looks very much like the real thing. Often, we are staring into the face of a counterfeit because we did not allow ourselves to be fully processed resulting in trying to pray on top of hurt instead of being delivered from it. When we do not triumph over our infirmities our infirmities speak back to us through our circumstances and life. We are looking at our hurt through the people we connect with. In a million years we would not connect with some of the people we find ourselves connected to in our wounded state. But when we try to put a bandage on top of an open wound instead of getting it stitched up that’s exactly what will happen to us. We end up looking into the face of our hurt, abandonment, torment, and affliction in the connections we make.
A counterfeit will make you believe that God sent them and tell you that you are their good thing. But, of course, you are a good thing, but you’re not theirs. But because you are walking in a state of confusion and are not fully covered with your armor you are susceptible to the ole’ okey dokey. Bam, there you go right in the middle of the devil’s cesspool of foolishness. We’ve all been there and done that. Fell right into the trap and then wondered why or how we, us, the anointed prophet, pastor, evangelist, preacher, teacher, deaconess could have gotten so far off track and miss that devil that was staring us right in the face. But when we listen to our hurt instead of God we find ourselves in precarious positions. We find ourselves out of place. We find ourselves struggling to figure out how we allowed the enemy to pull us out of place.
The word tells us to draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to us (James 4:8). Get out of yourself and your feelings and get on your face. While you waiting on God, he’s waiting on you to really get your heart back into prayer and get out of your feelings. Then it says to wash your hands and purify your hearts. So, you fell down, you missed it. Get up, get yourself together and lie before God and slap the devil back by worshipping God till your spirit is renewed, till your mind is clear, till your wounds are healed, and till your pain is gone. Like the old folks use to say I looked at my hands and they looked new, I looked at my feet and they did too! Stay there until your change comes. Till one day you get up and you realize you really are healed. Wait for the time and season you can see with clarity and hear God tell you no and keep it moving. When you know your hurt is talking to, don’t try to date. When you know your hurt is dictating your movements and thought patterns, don’t bring people into your space. Your hurt will draw what you don’t need and attach to you and keep you tied up in stuff you don’t need to be in.
If you’re in a place that you have to question God every time you meet somebody if he’s the one, then you’re not ready. God will show you just as plain as the nose on your face that he is or is NOT the one even if we are not trying to hear it. He still shows us. If you are not in a place where you can hear or even willing to listen then you’re not healed yet and it would behoove you to wait until you are.
Beloved believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God (I Jn 4:1a). Vulnerability is like an open wound and it puts us at a point of disadvantage. When your wound is open don't allow poison to come into your space and infect your spirit, cloud your judgement, and speak death to your purpose. Stay blessed!!
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