I Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

So when things come your way like finding yourself pressed up against a wall in a heated moment and you feel like you can't say no, yes you can. It's already within you to be more than conqueror. Had you listened to God when he told you NO from the beginning you wouldn't be pressed up against a wall. Why, because God did give you an out before you came to that place, but you decided that you would take a pass because you thought you were smarter than God. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt somebody's feelings. But really when we decide that we know better, we are saying, "God, I've got this handled because I'm wiser on how to deal with my situation". I hope that was light bulb moment for you.
I'm raising my hand because, let's be real, I've been down that road countless times in my life and much of the time I didn't take the detour and had to almost fight to get out because sin was knocking loudly at the door and I wanted to answer. I'm smart enough now to know my struggles, but sometimes some of us want to act "brand new" and pretend to be superwoman.
The struggle is in your mind, because your spirit man wants to do the right thing. You have to learn to cast down every imagination and high thing that exalt itself against the knowledge of God and bring captive EVERY thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor 10:5). You cannot entertain things that you know will lead you down that road. Turn Barry White off, turn off Luther, and forget about Marvin Gaye, you know anything that's going to pull your mind into a place where it begins to break down so you will end up in situations that can tear you down. You cannot put yourself in situations where you will have to fight to do the right thing. Why would you want to do that to yourself? There is nothing wrong with saying no, he can't come in your house and don't go in his. There's nothing wrong with saying I'm not going to happy hour because I struggle with that. There is nothing wrong with crossing the street when you see the drug man because you are struggling with that issue. See, we play with the enemy and end up having to be restored after the devil makes a fool of us.
If you didn't want to go there in the first place it would not have been a struggle for you. Let's be real open, if it was not a temptation for you from the beginning, then it would not have turned into a struggle in the end. Why because a man is only tempted by his own desire (James 1:14). You cannot be tempted by something that does not entice you or is not an area of struggle. If drugs are not your issue, then why would the enemy bring drugs to you? He will bring things that you struggle with because its his desire to pull you out of the will of God. So, if you recognize that a thing is an area of struggle for you and that should be pretty easy to do, then make wiser decisions when dealing with something you know can cause you problems. I know I'm talking to somebody today.
You won't have so many oh me, oh my moments when you learn not to set yourself up for a fall. Literally that's what we do. We set up ourselves up to mess up. Learn what you struggle with and devise a plan to keep your feet from stumbling. Every time a thought enters your head that makes you want to back up and lose traction, you know its time to start pulling those things down by speaking the word over them. You have come too far my sisters to put the car in reverse. Let's press toward the mark of the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus (Phil 3:14).
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