Here’s the thing that I want to share with you about how we eventually overcome this cycle of being a victim and walking in fear. We have to remember who we are when the fear rises up in our spirit and we begin to act out. We have to recall what Gods word says concerning fear. First off, God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7). We have the mind of Christ (I Cor 2:16). When the enemy begins to flash your past before your eyes and those thoughts begin to flood the mind we must present him with the word of God; II Cor. 10:5 tells us to cast down every imagination and every high thing that exalt itself against the knowledge of God and bring captive every thought to the obedience of Christ. We cannot stand in a state of fear of what might be when we have the authority to cause change to occur by simply speaking the word of God over our lives. We have the ability to speak to the mountain and tell it to be removed and cast into the sea and so shall it be. We know that when we pray that God hears us and because we know he hears us whatever we ask we can have (I Jn 5:15). We know that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much (James 5:16). So when these thoughts come God has given us an escape and immediate relief for those who care to rely on his word for strength. In the time of trouble he will hide you (Ps 27:5)! We know that there is no peace in fear but when we cast down those thoughts, pray and keep our minds on him that is when peace will come and our love will be perfected. Though life may try to rear the head of your past up know that we have the victory over our pain through Christ Jesus.
I wanted to continue the conversation because for those of you who are still dealing with these symptoms, much like me, you might feel like nobody understands just where you are, how you are thinking, or can relate to you at all. Well, that is not factual. There are so many women single, married, and divorced that have all experienced being emotionally abused and some even physical abuse. I share in both. I understand your pain and the places your head goes when your significant other doesn't do or say what you envision to be the norm. You have this image in your head of how you should be treated, how he should behave with you, and what you envision the relationship to be. The trouble is, he doesn't share in the visions you have in your head. Unless you communicate some of those things with him, he will never share in your thoughts, feelings, and emotions on what you expect from him. You cannot assume that he will know if you've never told him. I know I'm preaching today. Trust me; I have made that mistake many, many, many times.
The thing I should have said was not to find a way to get over it, but find a way to deal with these feelings when they present. Learning how to manage through prayer, Gods word and positive communication with these feelings of unrest will eventually help you get set free from fear and distrust. The later part, communication can only be accomplished if you are willing to open up your mouth and express in a positive manner what you are feeling. Allow him to minister to you and pray with you. Work with your spouse, fiancé, or boyfriend. That's, if he is willing to work with you on that level. A man who is truly in love will take that journey with you, but one who does not love you deeply will run for the hills. There's no way a man who isn't really in love can deal with that level of communication. This level requires him to be sensitive to the Holyghost which will make him sensitive to what you need. His actions will make you feel secure and safe with him. Let's face it; it is all about us feeling secure and safe. Isn't it a man's responsibility to protect us and make us feel this way? Absolutely! When a man can give that to you, then you will begin to feel secure enough to let down your guard and not walk in fear with him. But it takes a real man for this to happen. It takes a man who really loves God enough to consult him on how to handle you.
I use to expect men to know what I was thinking and understand what is in my head. I'm still struggling with that. It is not to our benefit to make that mistake because it will cost you more than you might be willing to pay. It could costs you a good relationship. Additionally, we cannot make that mistake because a man is never going to understand what’s in our heads, it is not logical and it’s never going to happen. We have to be sensible in the fact that men simply do not think like us. The blueprint of their minds has a different sketch on it. When we assume, we confuse them. They don't know where we are coming from. When we take time to explain and communicate what's in our head instead of expecting them to know, then we will get a better response. Again, I say only for the right man. Because the wrong one is going to be out the door so quick! He simply does not want to know us on that level.
Well, our time for today has come to an end. God bless beloveds’ and I pray you were blessed by this as much as it has blessed me. I've learned so much from God sharing this with me. Trust me, I am a handful! Share with your sisters. This year is going to be fabulous, some of us will be getting engaged, some getting married and some of us will remain happily single. Whatever the case, we will blessed!
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