Welcome Wonderful Single Women!

Pull up a chair and make yourself at home. I've got some good things to share with you. I hope you're ready for the truth because that's all you'll find here. It's time to be real and find out some real answers for real women.

Monday, March 11, 2013


Okay women of God, it's been a minute since I blogged. I've had many things in the works. First, I've been working on me. I embraced some changes in my life that I just love and have really worked to my benefit. I revamped my diet to a vegan diet and God has truly helped me and given me wisdom on how to eat. As a result, I've shed 30 pounds over the course of 2 months.  I'm still going strong with the slim down! Praise God for that! I've also started working on my MBA and it has been tedious and tiresome, but God is able.  Lastly, I am purchasing a home and God has tremendously blessed in that. He's been abundantly good to me and I am truly grateful.

I do want to address some things with you on today and I pray that each and every one of you has been blessed, prosperous, and well.  I had been listening on a prayer line with an Apostle out of Houston, TX and he has been discussing why there are so many single women in the church. That's a very good and valid question.  I know the first thing that many of us will say is because there aren't many brothers in church.  Of course, that's the first thing.  There aren't many that's true, but there are quite a few that are single.  Sadly, many of us run them off from acting desperate.  Many people would like to make the women in the church entirely responsible for why we are single.  That is not entirely true either.  I personally would rather be single than to be married to someone who does not have the capacity to love and appreciate me for the woman that I am. If I had my drothers I will take curtain number one Alex rather than what many of us view as the prize "a husband". 

I've been giving some thought to this recently.  You know, how we view the ultimate prize as getting married.  Getting married is not the ultimate prize. It comes with responsibility and dealing with somebody else's hangups, insecurities, and issues as well as our own.  As much as we would like to think that everybody is delivered in church and that everyone "lived happily ever after", it doesn't work like that.  Happily ever after comes with work, giving a little, taking a little, being willing to understand someone else's weaknesses, pain, and drama.  It is not the rosie image that we see when we look at ministry posters of power couples planning a conference.  It's more to it than that. Of course, one would like to think that it is always a rollercoaster of fun times, adventure, and you never have to deal with any real issues. But that ain't life people.  Life is knowing how to pray, when to pray, when to close your mouth, and when to speak up.  Life is being willing to bend a little when your partner needs to vent.  It means being willing to compromise sometimes. It means loving and appreciating someone in spite of their shortcomings.  It means loving somebody past the pain and praying for them.  Now, that's real. 

We so easily let go because we live in a society that teaches us not to hang in there, but give up.  Don't waste time, because there is something better out there.  Nobody is really willing to put in the work, but would rather give up because it's easier to give up and more difficult to deal with the real issues. I'm not telling you this not to knock your dreams of getting married, but to encourage you to understand that relationships take work.  If it is not within you to do the work then perhaps being happily single is something you should embrace instead.  Because being happily married is a responsibility that should only be undertaken by "real women" who desire a lifelong committment, not little girls who just want to play house and need somebody to minister to their flesh.  Hear me in the spirit women of God.  As you walk closer to your destiny whether it be to remain as Paul or go into fellowship with the man that God has designed for you, know this, that you are responsible alone for your own character.  You decide what kind of woman you really want to be.  Whether you will be the woman who prays through a situation, learns to stand in adversity, learns to communicate effectively, or the woman who allows the world to dictate the outcome of her life and relationships.

Don't be a victim of society, but instead be a daughter of purpose and character. Embrace the God in you and work on you while you are single.  If you so desire to be yoked up at some point then you will have the capacity to withstand when the storms of life come to challenge your relationship.  Be strong in the Lord and power of his might ladies! I will be blogging more often as well.

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