I just felt something in the spirit just from typing those very words, MAN UP!!! Ladies, let me give you a tidbit here, we are not men women of God. We are not the chaser, we are not the ones who should be running somebody down. Our only real responsibility is letting the man know that we are interested. There is nothing wrong with that. Sometimes, especially when you are a woman in authority (leadership), men are afraid to approach and pursue. But when you let them know of your interest (subtly) you put the ball in his court to man up and step up to the plate.
Now, let me help you with the letting him know of your interest part because some people will take that and just go way overboard with it. We are not little girls women of God, so just because you are God's girl it does not mean you are not a woman. So don't get all twisted over being real here. You can still be a woman and God's daughter, it's permittable. Women have a way of letting a man know that she's interested and you can still do that and be the woman of God that you are. I'm not telling you to act like the women at the club, be manipulative, or trashy. I've seen women practically run a brother down in church and trust me, that is a real turnoff for both men in the world and men in the church.
So, no do not bring him plates every Sunday, do not wear revealing clothes, do not try to show him all your assets and goods. Why? Just because he's a man of God doesn't mean he's not a man. The same logic from a man in the world will come to mind when you use those tactics. He will think that you are willing to compromise yourself. He might be weak enough to take the bait, but do you really think that is going to convince him that you are the kind of woman he wants to spend his life with, share his vision and ministry with, and mother his children? Ouch, I know that hurt a bit. A man of God wants a wife, not a hooker. I'm just saying. If you are willing to use those tactics on him, he's thinking who else has she behaved this way in front of? How far is she willing to go?
When you fall back a bit and allow him to be a man, then he can appreciate the kind of woman you really are. Unfortunately, there are so many single women in the church that they just lose it when a single brother enters the sanctuary. It's like a bunch of wild banshees screaming and running when a man comes into the room trying to get noticed. The problem with that is, he is looking for the one God has for him with his spiritual eyes, not at your cleavage. So, no matter how much of them you through in his face, if God has not given him a word concerning you, you may find yourself laid out on the altar having that lust demon cast out of you. (I'm so bad today, I'm sorry). You don't want to be one of those women that Timothy talked about in 2 Tim 3:6 a silly woman laden with sin, not able to control herself, full of lusts and foolishness.
I admonish you to observe the behavior of other sisters in the church and pattern yourself after seasoned women of God. That does not necessarily mean aged women. When I say seasoned, I mean women who walk maturely in the word of God. When you patterned your behavior after women who aspire to walk in the whole counsel of God's word, you set yourself up to receive fresh oil that will bless you. The oil runs down and blesses the house, does it not. So when you pattern yourself after seasoned woman of God, you set yourself up to receive from God the same favor on that woman of God. I like to use the Elijah and Elisha story. Elisha patterned himself after that man of God, followed him closely and the same mantle on Elijah fell on him but multiplied. God will bless you with like blessings when you keep yourself close to the anointing.
So women of God, don't be the man, let the man be the man. You be the woman of God that you are. Don't step out of position into manipulation. Let him MAN UP~