Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.
I have learned that it is easy for other people to give their words of wisdom, offer their advice, and try to give you an encouraging word when everything is wonderful in their own lives. I know you as single women of God have had people preach, teach, and speak do this, do that, stand strong, keep em up, keep em closed, etc. You know what I mean. But really, you cannot effectively preach to someone to stand if you do not know what it means to stand yourself. You cannot preach to someone don't do it, if all you've been doing is doing it. You can't tell me to fight if all you do is give up. You can't tell me to be strong, if you are weak.
Some people might understand some of the things you go through. I can relate to some things you go through having gone through a great deal myself. Even in the things that I've gone through and the things I've struggled with there will be areas that are unchartered territory "for me" when it comes to someone elses life and that is when I rely upon the Holyspirit. You yourself must learn to do that more and more. I have found that God understands every single thing that we struggle with and every single desire of our heart. He will give you wise counsel in what to do and lead you into all truth. The Holyspirit will speak to your heart and instruct you in everything the Father says. To be certain, you need to ensure that not only you are living a Spirit led life, but those who would pour into you as well. If you are listening, make sure that their lives also reflect the image of Christ.
You can have whatever God says you can have. You can do and go wherever God says. You do not have to be bound by some prophetic word someone gave you that spoke against what God told you. If the Holyspirit in you does not witness to the word, shake it off and keep it moving. I still believe what the Lord told me just a couple of months ago concerning many things that there is yet no physical manifestation, in fact, my situation got worse after God told me, however the confirmation is in my spirit. Just because circumstances changed, does not mean God changed his mind. We can't get so caught up in the circumstance, we need to get caught up in Jesus. When we do this we will begin to see the latter is going to be greater than the former. You thought you had it good then, but you just wait till God finishes what he started. Because everything he said and what you have believed will begin to manifest. So silence the voices that would speak against what God has said and follow the Holyspirit and his divine plan for your life despite the naysayers.
In other words, how can someone who has warm thighs and tight abs to go home to every night tell me to stand and it will be alright and just hold out when you don't have the same situation as me? You can empathize, you can give me a word, but you really don't understand my story. If my situation hasn't touched you, you can't identify with my pain.
When people try to speak over you who can't really relate, it's like having some one rub you with a scouring pad and comet. It leaves you feeling raw, abused, and like you are somehow less spiritually competent because you can't be like them. But the reality is their situation is unlike yours so it is easy for them to speak down to your situation when it has never been relevant to them.
God has used some people to do just that, those who have not walked in your shoes, those who cannot relate to your pain. Those are special ministries, everybody does not walk with this gifting. Jesus was tempted at all points, so that he knew and understood what things man would face AND so that all the things man would face he could defeat them and put them on the cross. Yes, God does use special individuals who do not share the same circumstances to speak things into your life. Those who can preach with both compassion and understanding. This is a place that only the spiritually mature can walk in. That's why God pours into some people who have never walked in your shoes, but yet can preach a word that speaks to your situation. Maturity in the spirit has driven them to that place because they preach from a place of where Jesus has been, so it identifies with your spirit. Then there are those who are trying to copy-cat and neither have the compassion or anointing to pull it off and they're messing a bunch of people up. Those are the folks I'm talking about that leave you feeling inferior and spiritually raped.
What I want to say to you today is, don't let people pick on you because you want a husband. Some of them have one, didn't have to wait, some of them don't want one and think everybody should feel as they do, and some of them just don't like men. Whatever the case, there is nothing wrong with you wanting one. Guard what you know in your heart God has given you for it is relevant to your life and purpose. It doesn't matter who doesn't understand the things the Father has spoken to you concerning your life. You do not have to feel like you are missing God because someone else thinks your heart's desire is not God.
Folk should not preach like there's something wrong with you for wanting God to bless you in the same way that he has blessed them. It's not okay for them to do this and it's okay for you to want more and ask God for what you want. Just don't be consumed and overtaken by the desire to have those things, that you lose perspective and focus on your kingdom assignment. I think we both can agree that the assignment is more important than the husband. I didn't hear amen. Do I need to repeat that last sentence?? Don't make me come to your house.
Some people might understand some of the things you go through. I can relate to some things you go through having gone through a great deal myself. Even in the things that I've gone through and the things I've struggled with there will be areas that are unchartered territory "for me" when it comes to someone elses life and that is when I rely upon the Holyspirit. You yourself must learn to do that more and more. I have found that God understands every single thing that we struggle with and every single desire of our heart. He will give you wise counsel in what to do and lead you into all truth. The Holyspirit will speak to your heart and instruct you in everything the Father says. To be certain, you need to ensure that not only you are living a Spirit led life, but those who would pour into you as well. If you are listening, make sure that their lives also reflect the image of Christ.
So what I'm saying to you, when so many voices are coming at you and telling you this, that and other the only important one is that of the Holyspirit. Listen to him and his direction. If you hear the voice of the Holyspirit coming through someone other than your spirit, weigh it against the word to confirm. My sheep know my voice sayeth the Lord (John 10:27). Know the voice that you are listening to. When you do, you will know if you should receive it and you will feel less pain having heard someone try to speak things over you that was not hearing from God. You want someone in your ear that is sound and lines up with the word of God. If anyone or anything steers you away from him, it is not the voice of the Lord.
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