I am sitting in between the mountains of West Virginia this morning, having pour out of my spirit on last night preaching. I am still processing the word I preached last night that the Lord gave me. You know as single women of God, we devote our entire selves to the service of the Lord and we ascribe to do the will of the Father always. I am reminded of how wonderful the Lord has been to me since I began this walk as a single woman of God. I have had my struggles, mostly from what the enemy has been trying to do to block me from my destiny.
Such has been the case for me, I believe if you will take a careful look at some of your lives, it has been a pattern. As soon as you get to a place when God can really use you and take you somewhere in ministry, that is when the enemy will send a distraction that will set you back for sometimes years at a time. Before you realize it every thing that you knew you were supposed to be doing has stopped and time has passed you by so much so that you feel you can never get back on course for God's plan for you.
Sometimes the enemy will deliberately send people into our lives to this very thing to us because he's knows if we ever get to where we are really free to hear from God that we will no longer fall for his devices. So, I said that to say to you be mindful of what God is saying to you. There are many things that pull on you in the natural that are devised to snag the anointing on your life. Sometimes it can be our children, sometimes our jobs, sometimes our significant other. Whatever it is, be mindful that the things you give your attention to do not detract from the things that God has called you to.
Don't let another season pass you by that you miss what God has planned for you to do in that season. Don't let another opportunity to do the will of the Lord for your life slip by. Don't let stuff get into the way. I know you might be stretched in your responsibilities. I know it might be difficult to maintain and it might be so much easier to just to marry someone who could help lessen the load. But marrying someone who does not understand the purpose of God in your life will further stiffle your ability to do the will of God. It will not help you reach your purpose any sooner. You want to marry the person that was made for you, not someone who is just filling in and will fall short in so many areas and not measure up to the man God really has for you. It is worth waiting on the right one. The right one will add value to your life, your purpose, and will not hinder your destiny.
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