Welcome Wonderful Single Women!

Pull up a chair and make yourself at home. I've got some good things to share with you. I hope you're ready for the truth because that's all you'll find here. It's time to be real and find out some real answers for real women.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

No More Distractions

The word of the Lord came to me today from:

Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

Like my mother use to say, everything that looks good is not good for you!  Those are words to live by and we must carefully weigh this particular scripture out.  We often miss it when we assume things and take them for face value instead of prayerfully considering them. 

There have been many who have witnessed that which attested to the will of the Lord who know and understand what it takes to walk this walk and endure to the end.  Those are the example that we should strive to follow.  Those who have given us instruction, the prophets, apostles, men and women of God not only in past times, but in present as well.  The witness is that God's plan and purpose for us is sure and we were made to walk in it.  God has given instruction through the mouths and lives even of his prophets to you, but yet you walk in such a way to not hear what God is saying to you in this hour.  Can you not see from times past how things play out when we do not stay on the path that God has ordered for us? Why are our ears closed to the voice of the Lord.  It is because we are distracted by things that do not pertain to our purpose or destiny.  Our minds are confused and searching but yet the answers have been before us the entire time.

It is those distractions that hinder us from hearing God, obeying God, and tangle our feet so that we cannot move forward to the place where God has been longing to take us.  The word says run with perserverance the race that is marked out for YOU.  No one else can do that and you cannot do it, if it is not your focus.

As women of God, we are not given the same luxury of mistakes and grace from the saints as others.  Though God does not devalue us nor give us less, but unfortunately this is not the world we live in, our chastity and accountability is at another level for acceptability.  This means the church expects that we will walk with a higher standard even than our brothers in the gospel.  It's not fair, but that's how it is.  So with that in mind, we must move to walk above reproach and walk away swiftly from things that would hinder, speak against, or stumble our reputation or the purpose of God in our lives.

So sisters, just because something looks good, smells good, and speaks all the right things, does not mean its God.  I think I heard somebody say, yes it is.  No, it's not.  I've just got to keep it real.  In this hour, we cannot afford to miss it.  This is not the hour to be playing like you don't know and can't see what's in front of you.  There is too much at stake.  So walk away from the counterfeit and wait on the real thing.  Throw off every hindering thing. Lay aside all of those thoughts, dreams, and ideas floating around in your head.  Wipe the sweat off your brow and lay on your face and hear God.

You've got to run the race that God has put before you, not your version of it. You cannot do that with so many things on your mind that contradict his will.  You cannot do that when there are people in the way who oppose the very purpose for your life.  Be strong in the Lord and in power of his might (Eph 6:10).  After having done all to stand, continue to stand, resist the enemies devices, stand your ground, and walk with the entire armor of the Lord Almighty on.

How we stand sometimes is walking away from things that stiffle God's will in our lives.  Now, that's not running, but that is wisdom.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Close the Book

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not to your understanding and in your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths (Prov 3:5-6)

Sometimes when you are entering the final chapter of a thing there can be great opposition and confusion.  For the many of us who have been married, then single again it can be challenging, frustrating, and scarey.  But even in all of that God is preparing you for what comes next.  Even those who have not been married but in relationships we believed would result in marriage, it is an emotional time filled with uncertainty about what you should do next.  You wonder how you came to this place in your life when you thought you had it all figured out. You saw it going a different way.  You saw it ending differently but at the end of the day it didn't quite pan out the way you had hoped.

Know this that God has not given you the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7). You can go through this transition and you will overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of your testimony (Rev 12:11). You cannot walk in fear at this time.  Far too much time and energy has been spent in turning the page to the closure which says "the end".  You've been reluctant to close the book because of fear of the unknown.  Writing the book was difficult and daunting and sometimes down right chaotic but yet closing it makes you feel like you are a failure.  You cried many tears, prayed many times, and know it is the will of the Lord. You suffered many critical moments throughout, but at the end you realized that God is always correct regardless to how you believed. 

It is not the time to rest in your own understanding.  It is the time to draw near unto to the Lord and pray without ceasing so that you can be clear on what God is saying for this next season because this book is done and there is nothing left to write.  Acknowledge that God has the answer and he is the answer for what is going on in your life.  He knows what is to be written in the next book, so allow his penmanship to do the writing and you just rest in him while he gives direction.

Close the book to the past and move on.  Don't allow the enemy to throw stumbling blocks in your path. Don't allow him to try to set you up for a fall.  Just as I was preparing to the close the book at a particular time, the enemy came in to speak things in my ear, but God exposed his deceptive devices to me so that I did not fall for lies.  That is what the enemy will do speak things that you know are not from the Father.  He will speak against what God has said to you, he will speak against your purpose, he will try to undermine your purpose.  This is when you can be assured that the book needs to close and stay closed.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


[Whoso] findeth a wife findeth a good [thing], and obtaineth favour of the LORD. Proverbs 18:22

Stop waiting for someone to put a ring on it to obey God and do what he has told you!  If I could pass a bit of wisdom and experience to some of you, that would be the biggest piece of wisdom that I could give.  Often, we think that we have no value and cannot walk unless we have our hand in someone elses' hand to help us walk.  I don't know whose bible we've been reading out of, but as far as I know the Lord has commissioned us to go into all the world and preach the gospel, he has told us whatever we find our hands to do--do it, he has said if you love me "feed my sheep".  He has given so many commandments unto us to move forward, so I don't understand why we wait on someone else to give us permission to obey God?

Maybe I don't have the revelation of why we as women, shy away from our kingdom responsibility because God has not sent a mate yet.  There are many women of God fulfilling the call of God on their lives while they wait, but so many more who do not feel that they can operate in ministry, fulfill their purpose, or even be productive to the kingdom unless someone other than the Lord is guiding them.  Why do we do this? I always include myself in the equation, because I have been there.  I speak from experience.

I heard a woman of God teach during a conference recently who imparted some sound Godly wisdom to the women when she said a proverbs 31 woman does not stand around and wait, but when she was found, she was working.  She wasn't standing around or sitting on the pew doing nothing!  Take off those big hats, slide out of those 4" heels, and roll up your sleeves and get to work, that is, get to doing God's business and stop looking for somebody to find you. How is it that the man of God is going to know he has a good thing when all he can see is you sitting looking cute.  Trust me there are plenty of cute women sitting on the pew and you are not going to get him by wearing your fly clothes.  And as all of those other women who have been sitting on the pew year after year looking fly can attest to that fact, their flyness hasn't gotten them anything.

The man of God does want a wife, but he wants one that knows who she is and is heading in that direction, not trying to wait on him to show her which direction she is supposed to be walking.  I will tell you why the man of God wants a wife, because HE wants to obtain favor from the Lord, so when he finds you and sees that you are indeed a good thing, he knows that God will honor him for his connection with you.  So get up and get to moving.  You do yourself a great disservice by not doing the will of God in your singleness while the Father has extra time with you to impart things into your heart and spirit.

There is SO much satisfaction in knowing Jesus.  There is so much satisfaction in allowing him to be more than daddy. If we take the time to allow God to really minister to our hearts and stop putting so much focus on what we don't have and more on what we do, oh, how satisfied we will be right where we are.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Do You See What I See?

A wise man of God said "A prophet without a mirror is a dangerous thing".  Why, because a man who cannot see himself but wants to judge the lives of others does not have the compassion or heart of God to represent what the Father wants to extend to his children.  For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was (James 1:24). 

The same could be said for those with low-self esteem and low self image.  It represents that you don't really know or understand who you are or who you represent.  You only see the outward which shall perish, but the inward man is what is essential and is who you really are (I Cor 4:16). You walk away from the mirror and forget what manner of man you are as well.  You forget that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (I Cor 1:30).  You forget that you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps 139:14).  You forget that you are his workmanship and everything about you is wonderful because God does not make junk! (Eph 2:10).

Do you see what God sees when you look into a mirror?  God sees his creation that he took time to mold and make.  He did not stop there but then he hand picked you by adopting you into the beloved, then he gave you an inheritance and made you a joint heir with Christ Jesus!  The word says, what is man that thou art so mindful of him (Ps 8:4)? He was mindful in his development and creation of man that he would mold man in his image and after his likeness (Gen 1:26). Why don't you know you are special?

You are fierce!  You are better than a Psalms 31 woman.  As we say in basketball, you are two points and one.  The and one is a free throw that came with the two when you got fouled.  You got some free stuff that comes with being accepted in the beloved.  Now, that's some good news right now.  Because God does not stop with what we perceive or believe about ourselves, or where we came from.  He doesn't look at the mistakes, the shortcomings, the obstacles, or pitfalls.  He doesn't care if we are tall, short, wide or thin, black, white, purple or green.  God doesn't care whether we have political clout or whether we can barely make it to the poll to vote.  What he cares about is our heart and making sure your feet are pointing in the direction that he's aiming to take you!

So believe in who God made you to be, not in what people tell you and not even in what YOU see in the mirror.  The real you is your spirit man, not your flesh!  Man looks at the outward man to judge us and belittle us, but God he looks at the heart (I Sam 16:7).  Now whose report will you believe?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

No Shame in Him!

There is therefore no condemnation ladies for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1)!  We spend a lot of time beating ourselves up for every little mistake we make.  Oh, how I've been there many times, crying over the same issue, not for making the mistake over again, but for that one thing I did that I viewed as enormous in God's sight.  But realistically all sin is unrighteousness in the Lord's eyes, so there is no little sin nor big sin (I John 5:17).  But if we confess our sin, he is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (I John 1:9). 

What does that mean?  Does that mean we have a free ride to do whatever we want because God extends his grace to us (Roman 6:1)?  Absolutely not!  Although his grace is sufficient, his grace is not be abused.  We must understand that God extends grace as needed, but after a time, the consequences of our disobedience becomes greater and God will no longer tolerate our abuse of his loving kindness toward us.

I said all of that to say this.....it is not his will that we beat ourselves up over mistakes that we make, but we learn from those mistakes and grow up into a mature woman of God.  That is the Lord's expectation that we will move forward from the error not walk in condemnation of it.  I speak to you this way because often as single women of God, especially those from very religious backgrounds (and I don't mean to offend) but we tend to put a higher priority on certain kinds of mistakes but very little weight on areas that are just as important to being Godly women.  The matters of the heart, attitude, character, and integrity are all equally important as in sin of the flesh, mind, or body.  

God wants us to be complete and not lop-sided in our behavior, our walk, our thinking, and in our ways.  So while, you are crying unto God about one matter that you’ve erred in, consider the other areas that God is looking at as well.  God is concerned about the whole measure of a man, not just parts of you.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Clean out the Closet

You can’t go forward if you’re always looking back.  I find that this is one of the major reasons why so many women struggle to move forward.  You can’t go forward if you are not looking ahead and always looking back trying to recapture what once was.  I recently had an email newsletter that addressed this very same thing and I found that to be an issue not only in my life, but in the lives of so many other women that I speak with. 
We often struggle with letting go of past hurts, past relationships, past emotions, past good times, past bad times, just the past in general.  Most women like to hold on to things longer than they should and when its time to release it, the difficulty in doing so is much greater than it would have been had it been let go of at the appropriate time.

It’s time to clean the closet and let go of the past, so that God can take you to your place of destiny.  It’s time to cast all of that hurt upon the Lord so that he can bring true deliverance in your life (I Pet 5:7).  When you hold on to things that should be released, you are not allowing God to give you true peace in your life.  The peace that God gives the world cannot give it nor comprehend it (John 14:27).  Why do you have 20 year old shoes in your closet and clothes that you can longer fit and haven’t worn in more than 10 years?  It’s because you cannot let go of the past and you grasp it so tightly because you are unwilling to accept that change has come and you need to make adjustments and deal with the right now. 

Paul said in Philippians 3:13 “Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead”.  In other words, Paul is saying he realizes he doesn’t know everything or hasn’t arrived at a place of perfection, but he has ascertained that he cannot concern himself with what he did in the past because it is of no benefit to him, so whatever he left behind is behind him, he can’t change it.  What he can do is continue to move forward in that which he has learned and build on that.  Dwelling in the past is of no benefit to us, but learning from our past and letting God take us into our purpose is what God desires for us.

So, clean out the closet of your heart, your emotions, and your past so that God can take you forward into your place of destiny.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

So You Got Played

So you got played by someone who was skilled at manipulation.  You did not see the signs and you did not discern the intent of the heart.  You keep saying God, “why does this keep happening to me?” You thought you had come to a place where you had reached a level of maturity that you could handle things and could not be deceived.  The truth of the matter is when we get played, its because we do not listen to the Holyspirit when he is giving us instructions.  We ignore him because our desire to have what we want and do what we want over rides his voice, so we ignore his counsel and find ourselves in precarious situations.  I know you've been there and so have so many of us.

It is a lesson to us to not be wise in our own eyes, but understanding that we are not our own, but our lives belong to God.  Therefore, decisions that WE make should not be made from our soulish man.  Did you hear what I said?  I said we cannot make decisions for ourselves, because we belong to God.  That is why the Lord has given us help to eliminate life's failures and ensure good success (Joshua 1:8).  When we learn to rely on the Holyspirit we will never go astray. When he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come (John 16:13). The Holyspirit will speak the mind of God and impart wisdom to us so that when error presents itself to us, we will understand that it is not God's will for our lives.

We cannot get played when we allow God to be God in our lives.  We cannot get played when we listen to him and heed to his voice.  We cannot get played when we walk in the spirit so that we will not be mindful of the flesh.  Pray Ephesians 1:18 and Isaiah 11:2 so that God will fill you with all wisdom and understanding. 

I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints (Ephesians 1:18)

The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him--the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD—
(Isaiah 11:2)

When things come your way you will rely upon the Holyspirit to guide you and not your own wisdom, but you will know what the will of the Lord is for your life because he, the Holyspirit will guide you into all truth!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What About the Words?

When you talk to me, is this all that you see and not the words that I speak.  Is what I say important to you?  Does it add any value to your life?  These are important questions that we need to ask.  As God's handmaidens, queen's and princesses' we should be valued just as God values us.  We should be more than just hips, lips, and fingertips.  We should demand respect as a woman of God.  What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holyghost which is in you, which ye have of God and ye are not your own? (I Corin 6:19).  You've been bought with a price and you ARE valuable.  Don't let someone turn your head with their words because of your outward man, because the Lord's words are more valuable, valid, and believable.  When he says a thing, you can be assured that it represents the true essence of the heart and it is not colluded or constrived to manipulate you.  Examine the motives of the heart before you jump in.  I often say, is it real or is it memorex?  You remember that commercial?  You need to find that out.  You need to know your beautiful. You need to know you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps 139:14).  You don't need somebody to tell you that, God already did, so anyone else who says it,  it's just confirmation!  Don't let a confirmation get you out of the will of God.  Make sure you are being valued for more than parts of you, but the whole of you.

I'm sorry what did you say, shouldn't work anymore! Stop looking at my parts and look at my heart!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Preparing for the first Video Interview

Yes, I am going to ambush a few people to find out their thoughts on being single in the christian world (lol).  I will ask some before hand, but I know sometimes unexpected opportunity knocks and I will have to be ready to run to the door to let it in!

Ladies, please tell me why, do brothers run up on you and are so out of order with their approach.  We don't want that.  I just thought I would throw that out there while it was in my head.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Coming Soon!

God has given me the vision to start a video blog with all the single ladies of God.  We would like to share some insight and wisdom with all the single ladies to help you get over the same humps that we have struggled, climbed, and are climbing as well, just like you.  We want to please the Lord in every way, but you know it is difficult sometimes to see past the loneliness.  At the end of the day, we are women and desire to have a companion many times, but for whatever reason we are single, divorced, or widowed and without one.  But hold on ladies, because we are getting ready to do this thing together.  God has not forgotten us and though we are by ourselves, we do not have to be a lonely.

Buckle up and get ready for all the single ladies!