Welcome Wonderful Single Women!

Pull up a chair and make yourself at home. I've got some good things to share with you. I hope you're ready for the truth because that's all you'll find here. It's time to be real and find out some real answers for real women.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Know What You Working With

Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Genesis 1:27

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

Insecurity is one of the most unattractive things about women that men shy away from.  What is most attractive to a man is woman who is confident, knows who she is, and her presence commands attention. The problem with many women is that they or we do not realize just special we are and that we were carefully thought about and God took time to craft us.  When I say us, I mean mankind or humankind. There is something very special and wonderful in how God took time to make us like him. When I look at the scripture Gen 1:27 I am reminded of a mirror image or a reflection that one sees as you stare into it.  The dictionary defines image as: a physical likeness or representation of a person, animal, or thing, photographed, painted, sculptured, or otherwise made visible.  I think that though the mind of God could have come up with many different variation of man just as he did with other parts of creation, he decided that man would take on his own image and likeness.  So, God made man to resemble him. There is something dynamic about that very fact.

All of creation was made from the mind of God and given a particular look, but there was a method to his design and plan when he made man that we should take on his characteristics.  So, I say to you woman that you are indeed special because God had himself on his mind when he made you and you cannot get any better than that.  So, let's look again at this. When God created man he made him in his image and after his likeness meaning he made man a reflection of himself so that man could take on his characteristics.  Man became tri-part body, soul, spirit and body and both male and female.  In other words man was both male and female until God took the female parts out of the man.  Everything that was needed for mankind was put inside of the man when God created him from the dust of the ground.  So, why or why would a God who had taken such time and care to make such a magnificent creation make something that was less, inferior, not important, or not worthy? If we are a reflection of him then why do we feel less than who he made us to be?

Now watch this, there was no need for the Lord to go back again to the earth and recreate what he had already done. Because everything that he needed was already inside of man (both female and male). So, the Lord pulled the female parts out of the man and made a woman. The wonderful thing about this is that God knew that it was good and it was complete when he created it.  There was nothing lacking in his creation. That is why God took the woman out of the man. Therefore, when a man does not have a woman walking beside him, there is a part of him that longs and desires to be connected to the thing that was removed. I'm not going to stay on this long because I don't intend to preach this today. I only want to give you a glimpse of how important you are to the structure of God's design.

So, ask yourself why should we feel less than what God created us to be when he made man so important that he fashioned us after himself.  God went a step further and he took something out of man so that man would need and want the parts of him that are void until he is again connected to the female God created him to be with. We are the parts that God created to be with the man.  We need to understand who we are and how God designed us to fit into humankind.  We were not the leftovers. We are not the throw away parts, but we are essential, necessary, and compatible in every way.  If we had not been compatible then God could have taken something already created to link up with man. But God took parts from man so that man could identify, commune, and communicate on a level consistent with who he is. Why would the Lord choose to put something together with man that could not relate to him on his level?

This is why there is a longing for man to be with a woman. There is a longing for man to have a companion. There is a need for man to find a wife so that he will again feel complete again. God never intended that man would be alone. The desire for man to mate and find a wife is consistent with creation and God's original plan for mankind. The woman being the object of the desire of man because man knows that without the woman connected to him he is has a missing element to his design. The Lord created him (the man) to walk along side the woman and he made the woman to walk along side the man. You need to understand what you're working with and who you are. You are not an after thought.  He made you to be the desire of man and you tie up the loose ends. This is why is so difficult for you be by yourself because God didn't make us to be by ourselves.  He did not make man to walk alone. Although some choose to do so, but it is not his original plan for man that man would dwell alone.

You have to understand who you are and where you fit in the grand scheme of things. You are important to God's plan. You are an essential element to his plan. When you begin to walk in that confidence and know what you're working with then you will draw the male back to the female parts.  A man does not want a woman who is struggling with who she is, but who is established in her own mind about where she fits in. A man wants a woman who is confident and sure about her kingdom position. For you to understand this you must go back to creation and grab hold to what God's original plan for you was and what he intended when he created you. I can spout off scripture after scripture to affirm you today, but that affirmation should come from the inside of you. It is settled in heaven already who you are when the Lord called and established you before the foundation. He settled it in heaven.  God validated you from the beginning and sealed you with the blood of Christ.

You have no need to feel as if you have nothing to offer, nothing to give, and are less than who God created you to be. Know who you are woman. Know where you stand woman. Know what you're working with woman. When you walk into a room you need to own it. Lift up your head, stand up right, and walk like the daughter God created you to be. Walk like your Daddy!

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