Welcome Wonderful Single Women!

Pull up a chair and make yourself at home. I've got some good things to share with you. I hope you're ready for the truth because that's all you'll find here. It's time to be real and find out some real answers for real women.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


The Lord will guide you always, he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land....You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. (Isaiah 58:11 NIV)

When the weather outside is frightful, we look for something delightful to keep us warm that is.  It's getting rather cold now during this time of year.  It's the season that everybody stays in more often and when we stay in, we want some (body) to stay in with us.  It's so much cozier than being by ourselves.  As I turned the heat up this morning literally in my apartment, I was reminded of times past when it was already warm without the aid of electricity.  I know we all have those times where we would like more than a blanket to keep us warm, but I'm here today to remind you of something that I'm certain you already know.

I will not get all preachy on you today because some people are really having issues in this area and perhaps it might be your first winter alone, such as it is with me.  Some of you are going through the holidays alone for the first time and it is a difficult time whether you have experienced a loss through divorce, death, or separation, it is still quite difficult to face or go through this season by yourself.  However, you are not alone because your sister is here to help you through this time.  First, I don't want you to use your aloneness as an excuse to do things out of character and digress to your old man or even go back into a physical relationship with someone God has been clear about you disconnecting with.  "You do know that last statement is meant for women who are married?"  Okay, just checking.  Because if you are having relations with someone you're not married to, that's another whole blog topic right there, but I will continue with my line of thought on this subject.

This is the season that people stay in and gain weight because of all of the indoor activity.  I know you ladies know what I mean, don't make me go there!  Don't do it!  You are more than that and God has sustained you thus far and is able to keep you even now.  Know that!  The scripture says that the Lord will guide you first of all.  He is not going to put you into a situation that you cannot handle or have a route of escape.  He will give you wisdom to make the right decisions; you/we just have to be willing to listen when he is speaking.  Next, it says he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land.  So in other words, even if he land will not render what you need because everything has dried up, God is still going to give you what is needed to sustain you.  Though these times are trying and it is difficult you feel that you cannot maintain or that your needs and loneliness is overbearing, I am letting you know that God is able to fulfill you in every area that is needed.  Prayer saved me from losing my mind.  Prayer saved me from hurting some folks.  Prayer saved me from being who the devil desired me to be.  This is a perfect opportunity for you to dig deeper into his word, dig deeper into his presence, and pursue after him as never before. 

Finally, it says that you will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.  So, the Lord will not only give you wisdom, but he will satisfy you with every area, then he will give you more to ensure that you are sustained above your needs.  You cannot do any better than that right there!  You are never going to run out of resources that will keep you sustained and filled with what you need as long as the Lord is your source.  Can we give God a praise for that right there?  Why?  Because you will be like a spring whose waters never fail! 

There are a great many things that you can do with your time instead of sitting around thinking of ways you can get somebody in the house to spend those cold lonely nights with.  Aside from prayer and study at home, I spend time away from home doing things that I enjoy, like working out at the gym (that in itself can keep you occupied for 2-3 hours every day!).  In addition to going to the spa, shopping, movies, dining out on occasion, church activities, and other social and community events.  Get out of the house.  One thing, don't allow the enemy to play pit patty with your mind and heart and having you in constant doubt that you cannot make it.  Yes, you can!

When it's cold outside and inside, turn the heat up!  The effectual "fervent" prayer of a righteous man availeth much!  The fiery, hot prayer of a righteous man produces results.  A fervent prayer life with cancel and dismiss every assignment the enemy has launched against you.  You will not even second guess yourself any longer.  You will be so consumed with God, you will forget that dudes name.  Who?  See, you already forgot.

Don't get it twisted, I know it is not easy, but it is possible.  If it were not possible, God would certainly not have you in this place in your life.  Really, why would he ask you to do something that cannot be accomplished?  If he, the Lord, was able to walk in a body made of flesh upon this earth and refrain from sinning against his body, then certainly we can do the same.  I know that many will say, well, I was married or I'm not a virgin, so I'm accustomed to having relations.  Well, I will say this, if the doctor told you your very life depends on you not eating chocolate because you will die if you do, how difficult would it be to stop?  It would not be.  You would take every and anything that had chocolate in it out of your house.  Why do we make it such a great ordeal when our soul is at stake?  Is that not more important?  After all, this earthly body is just for a season, but the soul, that's eternal.

Symintha Radford
Senior Pastor/Apostle
Breakforth Ministries International

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