Welcome Wonderful Single Women!

Pull up a chair and make yourself at home. I've got some good things to share with you. I hope you're ready for the truth because that's all you'll find here. It's time to be real and find out some real answers for real women.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Ladies, as always you know that I'm going to keep it real with you today.  So, I want to share some things with you on today.  I want to ask you if you have agreed to be somebody's tester today?  Let me tell you what I mean.  Nowadays, the thing is that being "in a relationship" means that for many people they have access to whatever they want.  People believe they are entitled to the same things that married people are entitled to simply because they have agreed to be solely committed to you.  People believe that being in a relationship they should be able to test run you to see if you are what they're looking for.  You know like the tester perfumes they have on the counter at department stores.  You try one and see if you like it and if you don't you move on to the next fragrance.

I always find it interesting the things I hear coming out of a man's mouth.  It's funny that when you call them on the things they say, they seem confused and frustrated that you would question their integrity and motives.  What I find even more interesting is there is no effort or accountability to God's word.  It has become very relaxed in the hearts of many so "church folk".  The lack of Godly values has nearly diminished from the pulpit to the door.  It is not only implied but expected that you be a willing participant in someone's else's inability to obey God's word.  There is a sense of entitlement when it comes to being "in a relationship" that should not be, not in the church.  Such things should not even be named among the saints of God (Ep 5:3)

But yet, so many of my sisters have become testers.  Have allowed themselves to become testers to those who seek to screen you out in the flesh instead of trying you by the Spirit.  When they are done sampling you, they move on to the next tester to see if they like that one better.  It saddens me to see so many sisters in the church fall prey to these predators who victimize the women of God and pretend it's all spiritual.  It is not spiritual, unless you consider the demonic aspects.  We do not need to be tested out to see if we will work for them.  We do not need to test them out to see if they will work for us.  If the hand of God is on the thing, then it is a done deal.  Anyone who would imply that they need a test drive before they decide to put a ring on it, is not THE MAN that God sent.  It is a man that simply wants to spoil your goods.

What we want ladies, is for someone to see who we really are, more than hips, lips, and fingertips.  We are more than a curvy body to be desired, but we are God's handmaidens.  We are intercessors, prayer warriors, preachers, teachers, mothers, and daughters.  There is more to us than what we look like.  There is more to us than what our bodies can do and what can be done with our bodies.  Women of God, you, us, we should seek a man after God's own heart, who is passionate about God and desires a woman who will not compromise herself.  We should not entertain a man who insist that we do compromise our standards, principles, character, values, and committment to the Lord.  Desire a man who wants to please God before he starts talking about pleasing you.  Truly a man who doesn't desire to please God, could NEVER please you anyway! One day you will wake up frustrated and broken over everything you had to give up because you let down your standard.

Hold on, be strong in the Lord and in the power of HIS might.  Let us continue to hold firmly to the hope that we confess without wavering, for the one who made the promise is faithful (Heb 10:23). God is indeed faithful until the end.  Don't settle for something that looks like it is, but wait for what it really is.

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