Welcome Wonderful Single Women!

Pull up a chair and make yourself at home. I've got some good things to share with you. I hope you're ready for the truth because that's all you'll find here. It's time to be real and find out some real answers for real women.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Heb 12:1-2

I know you have told yourself this before and again that you will no longer compromise what God has promised and settle for something that's in the moment because it looks good and MAYBE it's the will of God for me.  Because you want to finally say, sadee, sadee married lady.  Well, it doesn't pay to compromise what you have been told, believed, and waited for.  You know at the end of the day, you will inevitably end up with disappointment, hurt, shame, and pain.  The reality is nothing or no one can replace the promise. Despite how you try to mask it as HIS will and explain all the missing elements as if God has somehow changed his mind about what he said concerning your life.

I was sitting here at my computer when suddenly the Lord began to speak to me concerning this subject.  It is ideally coming at the most opportune time in my life because I am always being presented with some form of counterfeit.  But the thing about a counterfeit is unless your eye is really trained you cannot detect that it's a fraud.  Did you hear me?  When banks train tellers, they do not train them using fake money, they train them using the real McCoy, so when something that's not real comes across the counter, they can detect it right away that it's not authentic.  Our counterfeit detector is the Holyghost, unfortunately, for some of us, we decide to not listen to him when he is speaking to us concerning our lives.  We turn the volume down and allow the enemy to put that play money in our lives.

Let's look at the scripture in Hebrews.  There are so many tidbits of awesomeness in this portion of scripture that I could share this morning.  First of all, it is sin that we rebel against the Holyghost and not listen when God is clearly giving us instruction in life.  We are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses…….There are so many of us that can attest that we are going through the same struggles, in our minds, the same distractions, the same temptations, and the very same predicaments in life.  Let those lives who have suffered these things be an example and testament to what not to do given those same circumstances.  They can attest to the fact that the road that you are headed down is not what God has ordained because they have been down that road before. 
There are folks whose lives are speaking to you right now saying that if you do not lay aside your own desires, your opinions, your interpretations, your own ideas which are only meant to be a distraction and lead you down the path of destruction, you will ultimately live beneath where God has purposed you to be.  Now watch this, those things are designed as an easy way out, so that you forget about what God has told you.  So, instead of being patient as our scripture says you fall into the easy road because it’s familiar territory.  We’ve been in that kind of relationship before, so it’s easy to fall back into it, instead of having the patience to wait on God to manifest the real blessing, we get distracted and of course and forget about what we are really trying to attain.  We are much like Peter as he began to sink because he forgot and did not continue to look onto Jesus. 
If the Lord could endure the cross then surely some of us can endure for a time until God manifest what he has promised.  Come on here!  I know you hear me this morning.  Oh, trust me; I know easy looks really good right about now.  Easy looks amazing.  Easy is the man that says all the right things at the right time and gives you have butterflies in your stomach, but is it God?  That is always going to be the question that you need to ask the Lord at those time when your head is saying no, but your body is saying yes.  You need to back up for a minute and say, hey wait just a minute, God doesn’t operate that way.  Because Boaz is going to appeal to your spirit first! The enemy operates in the realm of the flesh, but the God operates by his Spirit.  I know I’m in the book right there.  So, for those who will tell you, that because he’s so fine and that’s what drew me to him, I say, the devil is liar this morning.  God does not operate in the realm of the flesh. 
You better peep that heart under the smile and see what’s in there and what you’re spirit is saying about who he is.  As the song says, the Jesus in me loves the Jesus in you.  But if there is no Jesus in him, what are you loving? What is it about him that’s appealing to you if God is not in him?
Alright, beloveds, many blessing to you on today. God bless you dear hearts and be encouraged and I pray you have an awesome and productive day!!

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