Welcome Wonderful Single Women!

Pull up a chair and make yourself at home. I've got some good things to share with you. I hope you're ready for the truth because that's all you'll find here. It's time to be real and find out some real answers for real women.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I absolutely have to blog about what I just heard on the prayer line! It blessed me so much I want to share it with all of you. The man of God was speaking specifically to us single gals and said something so profound and anointed. It's funny that he would say that since so, so many women for so long have settled into relationships because they desired to simply be in a relationship.  God did not necessarily give them the green light, but for so many it was better than being by themselves.  I've said it before myself; I'm tired of being alone.  There is no problem with us saying that, the problem comes in when we start making decisions based on our loneliness instead of being guided by the Holyghost.  When we decide that we can mold someone into the man we want and not take them at face value.

The man of God said on tonight "Don't be in a relationship with a man that's below your value".  That is so key.  When you are a precious jewel as God has made us to be as women of God, you have to consider yourself when someone comes along and wants to scoop you up. You were carefully selected by God as one of the bridesmaids of the master, a daughter of Zion, Gods' handmaiden.  As such, there is a man designed just for you whom God has hand selected to walk stride for stride with you in life.  Not just anybody! Not someone whom you have to groom, push along, pray up so they can stay up, put oil in their shoes, bring out all the prayer cloths, and dial 1-800-SAVE-A-MAN to get him to be the Godly man you know you deserve. Honestly, if you have to do all of that, he is not the one, was not the one, and will never be the one.  You are a precious stone and he is a rock.  How can a precious stone settle for a rock?  Why would an heiress go to the prison looking for love?

I'm saying this not to blow your heads up about who you are, but to let you know that you do not have to shovel up dirt to have what God wants for you.  Patience and time will get you what he has for you.  Don't settle for a stone because a stone is meant to weigh you down.  No matter how much you try to pull it up, if you wrap it around you, a stone sinks right to bottom every time.  When the stone goes down, so will you.  I often wondered why it was such a struggle in my past.  The struggle comes when you connect with someone who you were not designed to be with.  Not saying that that person is a bad person, it's just that that person was not meant to connect with you because with you he is a weight.  You are not on the same level.  You're a rare stone and he in comparison to who you are, well, there is no comparison. So, your status will seek to pull him up and at times God's favor rains because of you, but then the rock will bring you back down because no matter how you try to fix it, it's not you, not meant for you, and not supposed to be with you.

Sometimes in our eagerness we are so willing to settle for less than what we are, who we are, knowing full well who we are.  I'm the first to admit that I've done some foolishness in life and I'm sure I'm not done as long as I live in this skin I will likely do some more foolish things.  The things that I've learned from my foolishness has taught me that no matter how much I would like to say yes just for the sake of not being alone, this would only downgrade my classification. Save your yes' for only those who are your equal in the spirit.  Someone with spiritual maturity, emotional maturity, and financial stability are all acceptable levels of expectation for a daughter of Zion. It is not something that you should go into a relationship trying to build, hoping to change, and praying it will be alright or get better.  You don't have to downgrade who you are because you're alone.

I've heard people say, "Work with a brother". This is the world's mentality, not God's wisdom.  Please distinguish between the two.  You do not have to work with a brother until he brings himself up.  A mature man will have his stuff together before he seeks you out.  He will not be trying to get it together.  He will have all his ducks in a row.  If you have to buy the house, the car, and pay all of the bills....this clearly is not a man who is at the same value level as you.  You do not have to feel bad about this, nor do you have to underclass who you are for anyone.  This is what God has blessed you with.  You are who you are.  A man who has nothing to offer you should really wait until he is in a position to lead by example.  I know we have this reversal of values nowadays, but God's word has not changed.  It's the same today, yesterday, and forevermore.

So, while you are pondering things in your head about what to do with a relationship, whether to start a relationship, whether to move forward, or whether to get involved, etc. you might want to consider some of the things I've said.  As the man of God said tonight there are many women in this predicament.  There are a great cloud of witnesses out there that can attest to the fact that they busted a move they shouldn't have.  They got into a relationship with someone who was beneath their value and now they have struggled for years trying to help them up. They've been trying to do only what God can do, bring somebody up a level.  That will never happen for these ladies that walked into these relationships feeling like they would be the one to change this man and make this man into who they believe he could be.  They will be disappointed every time.  Because the bottom line is you can't change a rock into a diamond.  It's always going to be...a rock.

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