Welcome Wonderful Single Women!

Pull up a chair and make yourself at home. I've got some good things to share with you. I hope you're ready for the truth because that's all you'll find here. It's time to be real and find out some real answers for real women.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


You all have seen this I'm sure a woman in the church who has decided that the Lord told her that someone else's husband was hers.  She somehow convinced herself that God would speak something so disconnected from who he is and violate his own word on her behalf.  I have seen this spirit in operation and I tell you dear ones, it is NOT of God.  The Lord is a God of order and he does not speak one thing and do another.

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. (I Jn 4:1)

When you hear a word from someone, first you must ascertain that it bears witness to what God's word says.  The only way that it will bear witness to your spirit is if the Holyspirit within you confirms that indeed it is a word from God.  Why, because, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come (Jn 14:26).  So, you will know whether that word can be confirmed through the Holyspirit because he will bear witness to what the Father has said.  God will not speak anything that does not comply to his word.  Believe me on that one!

There are an abundance of single women running throughout the church as well as in the world.  There doesn't seem to be enough good men to go around, so some women set themselves out to snag someone elses' mate.  The unfortunate thing is that these women do not realize there is neither blessing or approval of God on this union they've done out of their flesh.  God's hand will not be in it, it doesn't matter if you get 10 preachers to pray over you at the ceremony. 

I remember one evening my former spouse and I walked into one of the larger churches in the metroplex and all along the back pew were a great many women sitting.  As we walked by, I could sense the spirit of lust jumping out at us.  This was the first time visiting this particular church and I was very thrown back from the onset.  That is why I'm appealing to you today, to not be Lucy Loose.  Let me tell you what I mean.  Lucy Loose is that woman who is always doing things to try to get the attention of some married man in church.  It is a lustful spirit birthed out her her fleshly desires.  She volunteers for everything, when she hears about a man who may be getting ready to divorce or is having marital issues, she is always there to comfort and console.  She likes being out in front where she can be seen.  She is gifted and anointed spiritually and wants to flaunt what she can do so that the spotlight will be on her.  She takes pleasure in confusion especially when she feels it benefits her effort in gaining the attention of male companionship.  She is a liar, manipulative, and works undercover.  You see, she's the one on Facebook chatting with your husband's when you're sleep, texting him while he's at work, and sending him private emails when you're not looking.  She's the one always wanted to send a plate home to just your husband and not you.  She's wants to be friends with him, but not you.

This woman is like the spiritual mother to Jezebel.  Jezebel would have to step up her game to compare to her.  Lucy Loose is the spirit of Jezebel in operation, but it seems to be more cunning and deceptive in this hour.  I'm telling you today that this spirit is alive and well within the borders of the church.  It is NOT God women of God.  This is NOT the order of God.  The Lord does not operate in this manner.  If you are devising a plan to get someone else's husband to divorce his wife for you, the Lord is NOT going to honor that.  In this hour God is turning over tables and exposing everything that's been hid.  All secret sin is being exposed and everything that you thought was hidden is going to be revealed.  I urge you to line yourselves up with God's word today.

I want to encourage you that it is okay for you to live holy and it is okay for you to be single and do the things of God.  The Lord will take care of you.  No, sometimes it is not easy, but give yourselves over to the Lord and that is when the yoke will become easier for you.  His yoke is not meant to be a burden on us, but it can be heavy sometimes that's why you should cast it upon him because he is able to strengthen you, keep you, and sustain you for this walk. 

Lucy Loose only wants marriage for sex and security.  There is more to a marriage God ordains than to having thighs and a checkbook.  We want what God wants for us.  Because when you get satisfied physically and your bills are paid, what do you have after that?  Do you have someone who was specifically designed for you?  Do you have that one who compliments you and who God called to walk hand and hand with you?  Guess what, if you don't then you've manipulated yourself into a relationship that will not produce what you really were after. So, set yourselves to seek the Lord and wait to hear a true word from God like King Jehosephat.  Call a fast if you have to, let no food touch your lips till you hear from God concerning your life like Hannah who petitioned God concerning a child.  Wait on the promise and don't settle for something that might be a curse.  Someone else's grass might look really green, but it's still not your yard, so stay out of it.

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