Welcome Wonderful Single Women!

Pull up a chair and make yourself at home. I've got some good things to share with you. I hope you're ready for the truth because that's all you'll find here. It's time to be real and find out some real answers for real women.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly. (Proverbs 26:11)

God has a way of keeping you on course and from making again the mistakes of the past.  Just when you begin to question what you know God orchestrated, he will reach over and shut the door that still remained open so that you will no longer be tempted to revisit the past.

It is a foolish person who goes back to what God has released you from.  Once deliverance is brought to your life and God has given you peace in your spirit again, why long for the thing that has caused you conflict and discord?  Many times this is what we do when the first wave of storms come into our lives.  We believe we were better off with our past situation even though we were tormented every day and the enemy was having fun beating us up.  So, many women unfortunately return again and again.  Oh, I have done the same thing and painfully, it did not get better but worse.   Going back to the same situation with the same spirit plainly in operation but expecting that it would discontinue the same manner of behavior doesn't speak to sound wisdom. I just said a mouth full I know.

Women of God you cannot pray against someone's will to change.  If it is not their desire, they never will change.  If it is not the will of God for you to remain, then they will not change at least while they are with you.  One thing about it, if God is up to something to get you somewhere, he will do whatever he has to, to get you there.  You can cry and fight and try to run back and forth all you want, but at the end of the day the Lord is still God. 

The world says you can't keep doing the same thing and expect to get a different result.  The scripture says a fool who repeats his foolishness is like a dog returning to his own vomit.  When you go back into a situation that is not fruitful to who you are, you are repeating the same foolish behavior that had you in bondage thinking that the result is going to be different than the last time.  As I often say, Who does that?  Did you anticipate that God would change his mind about what he instructed you to do.  He gave you grace to get up and leave and gave you provision to take care of your needs.  Why then would the Lord cause you to slip back into bondage and into the same state that he brought you from so once again you wouldn't be free to worship him. Clearly, it is not the mouth of God instructing you to return, but something else is at work in that.

If I can be transparent for just a moment, my situation was that I had to fight just to pray in my house and be free to be who I am in God.  What sense does it make for me to walk backwards into a situation that would prohibit me as a worshipper and prayer warrior from having the freedom to pray in peace?  We do many things in life and we say it's in the name of love.  But really some of the things we do, have more to do with familiar spirits and strongholds on our lives and nothing to do with love.  We are connected to people who we have to struggle with to survive, but then we are afraid to be really free.  There is no price you can put on peace.  I don't care how you look at it, living in a place where you cannot be the woman of God the Lord has called you to be is beneath where he wants you.

Once he has delivered you from the yoke of bondage, do not return to the thing that held you captive.  The enemy is on a mission to shut down intercessors and prayer warriors.  He wants to shut up the heavens so that people cannot receive the manna that God has for them.  All of you who lay on your faces each day for others to receive deliverance, the enemy doesn't want that.  He works tiredlessly against women like me to constantly bring conflict into our lives to pull us out of the face of God.  The conflict comes to close our mouths.  So if you are a vigilant prayer warrior, know this, you cannot stay in a place that limits your ability to lay before God.  The Lord will not allow it.  He will shut it down and close the door.

I've seen God close so many doors here lately to my past my head is spinning.  If he doesn't want you to go back into a situation, he will nail it shut.  You can count on it.  You can contemplate all you want, but if God says the matter is finished, you can bank on that, it's finished.  So even if you were thinking about going back, there is no longer an option to return to what you left, because God made sure that you couldn't go back.  Trust me, I've seen and heard some crazy things lately and I know the Lord had his hand in it.  Be thankful unto him and bless his name that he considers you so valuable that he will not allow another distraction to step between your place of purpose.  I hope you're lifting your hands right now and blessing God. 

Treasure your time women of God and don't dispare.  God has his hand in your lives and everything good work that he has begun, he will finish it until the day of Jesus Christ.  You be mindful of the enemy using various things to distract you.  If it is not time for your Boaz, every man that you look at will reject you accept the ones that clearly are not one of God's men.  So, if this is happening in your life, it means it's not your season to date.  God wants you to date him right now.  Don't turn back for the pleasure of your flesh.  If you try, you will challenge the Lord's hand to move in the matter and he will certainly nail the door shut without question.  No turning back women of God!

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